Thursday, February 7, 2019


WE survived it.. days and days of arctic weather with wind chills of -30 plus. Hard to believe it was colder here than in Alaska. I stayed inside all the time, very few left around here except those who had to work. EVERYTHING was seemed as if it was
declared a holiday with all businesses and schools closed for days. I went to the store before it blew in and got many supplies to get ready. 

I placed all the insulation I could around my windows. Our boiler worked overtime and sure could not keep us warm. I found I was not the only one in my building wearing many layers of clothes, and using the stove to keep us warm. Maintenance told us to do the best we could. The rooms were pretty chilly at night. Most of us slept in our clothes. Thirty degrees felt really good when it finally came days later. I don't remember ever being around those kinds of conditions before. Hope I never do again. I will know what to do if it does happen though. 

Well February is at least a lot warmer so far, seems like our winter is crawling along. I have to look on the bright side though..we are gaining daylight 17 minutes a week now. and in 40 some days it will be officially spring. I for one welcome it. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019



WOULD not take the password that I have always used and I had to redo practically the whole thing over. Scary stuff.. I have other blogs that are hooked to this one and well they do have other passwords also. WHAT a mess!!  Soooo


I will try to keep this blog going as long as I can get into it, not because I have
forgotten about it. I could never do that. 
Since OCTOBER things have been busy around here. Lots of people in the complex moving out that have been here a long time. Could it be the raise in rent.. or could it be they are tired of the QUIET?? Yes, it is very quiet up here on the hill. There is a pretty steep driveway that leads to these buildings and we are away from the road so far we cannot hear traffic. WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD NOT LIKE THAT???
Some prefer the lobby or closely packed apt houses. NOT ME. I love this place. Anyway, hope they find what they were looking for.

 Oct was warm around here.. it felt like summer. It went on for awhile and when WINTER arrived.. Well it was not much to talk about. November we had some snow and it all melted pretty quick. Talk about global warming. The guys here have only had to shovel ONE TIME this whole winter. Yikes makes me wonder about  the summer. Thanksgiving was nice too. NO snow. I started my new exercise routine of lifting two pound weights twice a day that month. It has helped a lot. 

DECEMBER  1st I started using a new machine I bought daily,  since I don't get outside to exercise much. 
 I was using it three times a week, but decided to up my game. It feels pretty great.
I can do many different things with it, but am working my way up to those. Very happy with results. I have a bad knee and this has helped a lot. Christmas rolled around and we still have little to NO SNOW here. When we get an inch, by the next day it is gone. 
RAIN mostly and so many many gray days. The sun has hardly been present the whole month long. I received some pretty nice surprises for Christmas this year I never expected. Made for a memorable holiday. 

SO NOW it is a new year, I sure pray for it and our nation and the world. So many tragic things happening in the world. They say that things have to get bad for you to appreciate when they get better, well we sure are ready. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018



WHAT in the world? I mean is it really fall already?  OCTOBER??

What happened to AUGUST and SEPTEMBER?? First for me to miss two whole
months without a post here. I guess there really isn't much going on and much traffic to read blogs any more at least for me anyway. 
I have been busy doing the fall clean up of the closets and getting rid of things that I no longer use. Guess I have been doing that most of the summer. It's been a long hot summer here and now even in to OCTOBER we are soaring with almost 90 degree weather here. It is breaking records..I cannot recall such a crazy summer and fall. 

ANYWAY.. I had a friend come and visit me and was able to go and do some shopping and see what was new in the big stores out of town. Living in an apt building there is plenty of coming and going, but here we pretty much mind our own business. The biggest excitement is leaving to shop.😁 The styles surprised me.. they all looked like the 70's. Guess I should watch more QVC or something on tv. The paisley patterns, vests and even some bell bottom pants. I felt like it was a dream. I remember when wearing high heel shoes with JEANS or pants was TABOO.. NO way.. Now it is a fashion statement.. crazy world. 😇I can find all kinds of bargains at the local Goodwill store. I love that place. Make a wish list and sooner or later you will find what you need. Got a nice air purifier cheap. I was thrilled. My niece brought me her old air fryer and so I am now looking for pans etc that will fit inside it. It is just the right size for me. I love using it, just have to practice more. 

I had a good friend of mine move to Florida this summer.😢 Sure miss her being around but she was tired of the cold and the snow and decided to make a change. OKAY, here comes a hurricane.🌀🌀 She is not directly in the path but may get some wind etc..they are battening down the place just in case. I am sure praying for all those who might be affected by this one. Glad I am staying in Michigan, I feel pretty safe here. No earthquakes or fires or hurricanes. We might get a tornado, but that is pretty rare also. 

Well wherever you are, hope your fall is a good and safe one. 

Monday, July 2, 2018


JULY came in blazing, made me miss those cold freezing days this past winter.  Sure we complained on how cold it was, but we could keep warm. Keeping cool is harder I think. Dealing with this humidity and heat has been hard. I have barely left my place for days now. Just too hard to breathe it. People with upper respiratory problems really struggle with it. Can't wait for the cool off. Sure do dread my electric bill it will be a whopper. We have had little rain here, the grass is brown and the flower beds are suffering. I noticed that the morning glories I planted last year did NOT come back like I thought they would. Lack of water I am guessing. The management took the hoses away here because other tenants were using them to cool off their children with water slides and pools, breaking the tenant agreements they signed. They are lucky they did not get evicted instead of a warning. Some do spoil it for others. The plants suffer. Too hard to carry buckets of water to keep them going. Not much happening here but I sure hope you all 


Monday, May 28, 2018

MAY 2018


Goodness it has been a while since I stopped by here and blogged. Life gets busy I guess. We had cold weather into April and some places got SNOW. I thought that Spring would never get here and then we had NO Spring to speak of, it went straight into Summer. 
It feels like JULY or AUGUST already. We are breaking records for heat, as are other places in the USA.  I got my AC put in just in time. 

      Earlier this month, my niece's daughter turned one.. my how the time flew by, she is almost walking on her own and saying words and answering us. Growing up so fast.                                  

I have been spring cleaning all the closets and getting rid of clutter.  Finding things that I totally forgot I had and things that I surely  don't need any more. Our town has a brand new very large Goodwill store, so I have donated a lot of it.  There is  now room for me to collect more.. The cycle returns.. LOL  Can't pass up a great way. 

Well, whatever you are doing this Spring, Summer, I sure hope you have fun doing it 

Sunday, April 8, 2018





A lot of people all over the country are asking that very question. 
Blizzards in April..cold winds and day after day of below normal temperatures.
The calendar says Spring but mother nature has different ideas. Just means to me that those trees and flowers are going to be blooming later in my neck of the woods and our summer will either be long or really really short, I hope for the long one. 
All I know is I sure don't want another repeat of this winter. I am looking forward to warm breezes, sun and spring flowers. It might be in MAY or June but it will come eventually. Hope where you are things are warm and you are enjoying it! 

Monday, February 26, 2018


                              my long journey to get there, I landed in several different cities, places, and situations. One was a tiny apartment that smelled like smoke and cats. No telling who lived there before me, but I was so glad just to be there for awhile. It lasted 4 months.I went out of state for a few weeks to check some jobs and places out. That lasted 3 weeks. I stayed with a friend for 4 months near the lake and that was a joy. I had no money to contribute much to bills and such and felt it a burden to stay on. I filled in many many applications and could not find work so I left there with an offer to stay with my sister. That was when the nightmare began. 

I HAD no idea what I was getting into. Sister had a large home full of "stuff". My mother's stuff,some of my stuff, her stuff. It ended up being rooms full of stuff. She
had many rooms sealed off and there was little heat. I stayed in my clothes and coat and slept in a chair in the living room for three days. When I got tired I would go upstairs and sleep in her bed when she got up. I would stay up there and try to move things around in the other room so I could put a bed in there. On the fourth night I had had enough. I made a call to social services to get some help. I used her car to go get some information the next day. When I got back home, there was a bed in the bedroom and I could finally make a space to rest. Social service could put me in a motel for awhile, but the ones in my town were not that good and one was actually dangerous.Sis figured she might get into trouble, so she moved the bed in the room while I was gone.  So I called them and told them I had decided to stay there. 


WHAT we didn't know was that Sis was getting sick. Very sick. I would be needed to help her out and was glad I was there to help. 

 I am a believer that you are where you are supposed to be. I don't question it. 

SO I stayed there at least 3 years. Three LONG years. I had my applications in for apartments and just waited. It was all I could do. I was sick so much of the time, that I could not work. I just did not have the energy to do it. I was looking for an apartment with a "voucher" attached so I could get a section 8 break.Those are so hard to find and with my income I just had to wait.  I got offers to leave there several times for visits with others for awhile. I took them gladly. When I would leave it was like a whole new world. Space, and I could breathe. I hated to go back, but knew I had to. I was beyond thrilled to get the call about the apartment. The ordeal where I was, made me feel like I had been so restricted. I was finally able to wake up from the nightmare and move on.  BUT NOT YET... 
 In the meantime, Sis had to go on STEROIDS. They changed her, and the sister I knew was no longer. She gained weight rapidly and was so easy to irritate that the cat and I gave her all the room she needed to try to deal. I hope I NEVER have to deal with that stuff EVER.  Several years later my sister is still not the person she was, it is a sad thing. Many trips to doctors and being transferred to larger hospitals helped find what was wrong with her. Her life changed drastically. She was forced to go on disability and stop working, she had been working since she was 18. So as she lingered there in the ICU I got the call for the apartment. I told her I would take it sight unseen. I had to wait to see if Sis was going to recover well. She had many appointments and could not drive.

 I had to wait and that was hard. It was in another town 15 min away. I chose the town because I had no car and could use the transit bus to go out.  It was July and it was hot. A nice older lady had lived in the apartment for  24 years. She was transferred to a nursing facility and that gave the manager time to give the apt a makeover. ALL new everything. It was a real blessing. 
I took the keys and had to get directions on how to get to the place.It was like buying a car or a house sight unseen. I did not know the city well and did not know where to go.  I opened the door and was smacked in the face with the odor of fresh paint, fresh carpet and linoleum. The maintenance man was there still painting. He said I would have to wait til the paint "cured" some. In the heat of the day the smell was overwhelming and I could hardly breathe. There was NO air conditioning. I was so relieved that this new "home" was light, bright, and CLEAN!! I sat in the car and wept. How blessed I was to get this wonderful place, I hated to leave it but had to. Over the next month Sis improved and I began to move things from where I was to the apt. I had to start over. I had no dishes, no pots, no glasses. No furniture only a blow up mattress, two folding chairs and a folding table. I made a list and shopped the Goodwill  and the dollar store for items. It was a long time before I felt like the place was really mine. Sometimes I would wake up and be relieved it was not all a dream. 
It really does take time to make yourself a HOME.. mine has been a real pleasure more than most know. 

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Not long ago someone said to me.. "You sure are easy to please...why don't you ask for a better selection?". I was standing in a store looking at some items and there was not much there to choose from. This total stranger had no idea of what my life had been like or where I had come from. 
She had no idea that when you have NOTHING, you are homeless, not by choice, and are grateful for are EASY to PLEASE. 


It changes your whole existence. You look at life and things around you so different from others. A simple thing like eating out to others is just really exciting to you. 
Going into a grocery store and buying ANYTHING in the store you want is just a dream to you. Watching others talk about going to movies or other activities is something you would only wish to do. You MAKE do with what you have or your situation and you adapt. I learned to adapt and move on day by day. 

When I found myself sitting inside my storage space looking at my life's possessions and having to throw them in a dumpster because I could not sell them and had no way to keep them anymore. It really changed me. You have to totally start over. You suffer from depression and feel helpless and alone. Even with others around you, you still feel alone. They don't really  G E T  how it is to be where you are. You try everything you know to help yourself out of the situation you are in. You go to sleep praying for a miracle.

I got my miracle, the one I had been praying for in June of 2014. When my sister was sick in ICU at a hospital out of town, I sat there waiting to see what was going to happen to her and my cell phone rang. One of the apartments I had applied for
finally was available after 3 years of waiting. I was going to have a HOME again. MY own place to be. 
The excitement was overpowering to me, I cried thinking about how nice it would be to have a place of my own after all this time. I cried learning that my sister nearly died in that ICU. Dealing with her illness put my life second. I had to make a decision, do what I could to help myself. So yes with help, I took the apartment. I signed the papers for my own place just 6 days shy of my birthday. It was the greatest present I had gotten in my life. I got it sight unseen. Something I never would have thought of doing but given the circumstances, I just was grateful to get it. I was easy to please all right.. just to have a place of my own. I thought I will just deal with it the best I can. Day by day at a time. I had it one whole month before I could move in. 
...... more later....  


Wednesday, February 14, 2018


FEBRUARY is half way over. Our winter rolls on.. cold and snow and then warm and rain. I must say it has been a weird one. One bright light is that our little LILY is now standing on her own and  getting ready to walk around any day now. It is then that the fun starts.. trying to keep up with her. I love toddler exciting watching them experience things for the first time. How their face lights up with joy seeing Mom and Dad when they have been away. 😊


Monday, January 1, 2018

HAPPY 2018!!!


My first entry in 2018...  HAPPY NEW YEAR.. 
WE MADE IT... we actually made it through 2017.. what a year it was! 

Made my list last night of goals for this year. One is for health, and one is for making each day more organized. Yeah, started off my closet..getting rid of old stuff and finding more room in there. Felt great to get it all done. Horrid weather, very cold, so I took my walk in the hallway of my building. At least it is warmer than outside!!

So I know there are going to be some real changes this year.. I just hope we all survive them safe, happy  and healthy.