ONE is the darn CAP on that well. I just don’t get all the problems they are having I guess and think that they should have already planned on emergency situations and how to solve them LONG LONG ago. Makes a person wonder with so many wells in our waters who ELSE doesn’t have a clue on how to STOP THE FLOW.
TWO is The Montana school system is trying to set into motion teaching 5 and 6 year olds sex education in Kindergarten. Maybe kids are smarter now than they were back in “my day”, but some kids have been protected from all that stuff. If one state passes it then others will surely follow them. Some kids are slower than others and clumping them all together like that and trying to tell them things they are not ready for .. well it just isn’t right and that is just my thought on it.
THREE is All this HoopLa over the darn tapes that have surfaced of Mel Gibson’s ranting. If the guy was DRUNK and or on something he probably doesn’t even remember what he said at all. Physically harming someone is something all together different though. He KNEW what he was doing then. He clearly has a problem that needs to be addressed and everyone should just chill out and let him deal with it, that is IF he is ready to say he has a problem.
FOUR is People can change. I changed bigtime. I HATED laptops. They made my eyes hurt they were so this and that. Then I got my own. I wasn’t using someone else’s and started to see the use of one as a necessity. It literally saved me HOURS on-line time and the convenience of having it with me was and is so useful.I disliked FACEBOOK too. I came around recently to think that maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. Just place what info you want on there and leave out what you want to. New security things have helped too. I won’t place my name and personal info on there, but Ido like keeping in touch with others really fast. The pros outway the CONS here in my way of thinking now.
WELL those are just some of the things that I have been mulling over in my mind lately. Glad I could get them down here and move on.