Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label videos. Show all posts

Sunday, September 9, 2012


I  couldn't  remember what I was doing on September 10th 2001. My blog at MSN spaces wasn't started until 2005. I keep a journal-calendar of daily things that might be important. My journal said I mowed lawn and it was a nice day. I made meatloaf for dinner and the next day mom had an hair appointment. Little did I know, or anyone else for that matter, that life in the U.S.A. would change drastically for us all. I think the whole world changed really. What affected us the next day,changed the way others in the world did things too. It was a bad time. For days we watched them go through all the hours of trying to find survivors, only to find few. The above video is what I watched the morning it happened, as it happened. I found this and wanted to add it here so I can keep it.