Monday, May 9, 2011


Thanks for your patience with me.. I heard you was wayyy past time....

 I have so much on my plate my blogging time has really suffered. I miss it so much. I went from blogging every day to several times a week, to once in a while.. that really is just not me. I have so much in my head  running around that I want to say. What's happening isn't the easiest to hear, it's the same old thing. Losing mom was harder than on me than when I lost my dad.The whole having to deal with the estate and what to do with things and moving. I am juggling about 5 things all at once and it is certainly overwhelming.  I find time to just get away and not think about stuff and make myself enjoy some down time when I can, but it sure doesn't happen as often as I would like it to. Writing always helped me out with any problem I had..journaling has been private thoughts for awhile and that is why you haven't seen me here. I assure you I have been keeping track of things though. have been a lifesaver, as the old desktop is packed away..the storage has been a challenge..trying to get things not to topple as it is piled in there over my head. Trying to put your whole lifetime in a 10x10 storage has been scary. It makes you really look at things a new way and know what is the most important to you.

I had the best friend in the world come and help me pack up stuff and move things and she  was such a joy and help to me. She knew just what to say and was there when I needed support and that was so important, especially this holiday weekend. What in the world would we do without our friends? I have had such encouragement from all mine in person and here in my blog family. I appreciate that so very much, you will never know.

YES I still have been taking pictures,
 almost daily of things, don't think I will ever stop that. On my travels I captured this tree that obviously had been was quite the site to see..two colors and types of tree in one.
Well, that's about it from here.. same old same old.. packing and re packing and moving on to what will be..whatever that is, is what GOD wants it to be. I may not be ready for it, but will be confident that it is supposed to be that way.
Until next time...Hope you all have a wonderful SPRING!!

Friday, April 8, 2011


LIFE moves on.. we all know that.Sometimes it moves in mysterious ways and we wonder why. I learned not to wonder..just to accept the fact that God is in control and he doesn't make mistakes EVER. I went to a Senior health fair to connect with others and seek out information and network for job opportunities in our area. I drove through the fog in the early morning on the road I took so many times with my mother.   I noticed the country-side trying to come back to life after this long, long winter. Several deer were chomping on the remnants of cut fields of corn, trees were beginning to turn greener with some buds here and there. I arrived to find many people gathering eating donuts and coffee and chatting about how gas prices were unbearable, and the checks just don't cover increases in living any more.

Long rows of tables lined the cafeteria from many different area companies. I walked and talked with so many about how life is hard for those who cannot deal
with their disabilities and need help sometimes. They all agreed with me. The volume level of so many speaking at once made me think of a giant party without the music.
 I turned a corner and ran smack into two people from the care home where mom stayed. I took a deep breath and hugged the man who spoke at my mother's funeral. The nurse standing beside him was on duty the night mom died. She gave me a hug and asked  how I was doing. Do you lie and say fine or speak up and tell the truth? I spoke the truth.. I told her how hard it has been to try to deal with 60 years of life and giving and selling it to strangers. How quiet the house is without "the boss" around and how I try to cope and do the best I can. He spoke up and said to me.. "your mom was a life-force that is hard to must give yourself time."..I had to agree with him, she was bossy and stubborn and opinionated that was a fact. Her words still echo in my ears about this or that. All I have to do is listen.

I came down the aisle of tables and another smiling face came up to me. A worker from the local nurses home care hugged my neck. I was very glad to see her again and thanked her for all she did those many months. I had not thought about how many people I would see there I really DID know. Two hours later, I left after having a great conversation with our local librarian. New changes there sound very exciting. I recieved a call later stating that I had won a door prize after I left. All of the prizes were donated of course, but the one that I got  will last me a whole year. A membership to the local senior center and all it's services. Technically, I am barely a senior, but I am sure some of the services will really be helpful. What a nice surprise..I rarely win anything. Will let you know later how it goes.



Thursday, March 17, 2011


 I came across this link and address at Facebook from a person who is really in Japan reporting in English from there. The videos and reporting tell the real story there.
It is so hard to watch from afar and wonder what will happen next and what, if anything, one can do to help. They need everything, much like those people who survived after Katrina happened here in America. Most people are sending the Red Cross
their donations. It's a start, but they will need much more. So much of the gulf states area is still standing exactly like it was 10 years after that horrible hurricane, you have to wonder will Japan ever recover from this all? Time will tell, the Japanese are a strong and honorable people, if anyone can do the work to recover they can. May God Bless Them
and keep them all safe from harm in the coming days and months.     

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I ran across this sign in my travels and whether or not it was against the law to change the slogan of this company, the message came across loud and clear....
I hope no one says or does anything, and it remains as a reminder to the youth
of the town.