Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The end of the month is fast approaching. I feel like the fire is under my feet to move quickly to get things done. Deadlines are good, I keep repeating to myself, trying to be convincing at the same time. I  came across this yard filled with tiny violets, it was soothing in a way, mother nature is waking up from such a long winter's sleep.
So many flowers blooming and standing tall after the snows we had just weeks ago. It amazes me. The work continues here and the new temporary place takes shape slowly. Not wanting to unpack a whole lot because the future is kinda cloudy, I can say my new kitchen is looking better and better.  
Some of the old things from the old place are there and some new things too. It's a work in progress, not sure how l will be there so sure don't want to unpack a whole lot. I still have to get used to a way smaller space again. I loved the small place I had in Ca. years ago..I don't think it will take too long. This kitchen was built probably nearly 80 years ago. My place was the servants quarters, compact and useful and not over the top. The kitchen was redone in the 40's and is very much like the kitchen that mom and dad had in their house before it was re done in the 60's. Love the light over the sink and the little shelves. The larger shelves go all the way to the ceiling. Not using those much as  it would take tall ladder to access them, but it's nice to have that storage space anyway. Time is to get moving.

HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GREAT DAY!!                                                                    

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I ran across this sign in my travels and whether or not it was against the law to change the slogan of this company, the message came across loud and clear....
I hope no one says or does anything, and it remains as a reminder to the youth
of the town.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


WE went on a hunt through the house for certain pictures to be included
in Mom's service. One picture she loved we could not find was the "moon
picture". It was taken back in 1944 at a county
fair. There were several ones taken that day and one of both of my parents. We
haven't found them yet. I search through so many things daily looking for certain
items. TODAY I came across one of the smaller "moon" pictures. How cool
it looks to see your parent in a different light. What was happening the day
it was taken is not known to me, but Mom told me that Dad loved to go to fairs and
ride the rides. We took him to visit the fair even into his elder years while in a wheelchair. Going through the multitude of boxes there is something new every day to see.
I did find a nice tea pot and sugar and creamer set of Blue Willow that mom saved. What happened to the rest of the dishes is a mystery, I wish I had them too. Along with the treasures, an old hat and a coat mom wore in the 40's. Who knew
that they would be back in style someday. They were preserved well and could be used as a costume in a play so may be donated. Each day I travel back in time
wondering what new thing I will find in the next box.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Wow a blizzard!  We got one and it lasted all night long. Sometimes the snow was  coming sideways and sometimes one to two inches an hour. When all was said and done..about 10 inches or more. The drifts were more like 14 inches in my driveway.
It wasn't a silent night that is for sure. Usually when we get a snow storm everything is pretty quiet except for the snow plows. This storm was noisy.. wind blowing and knocking around everything not nailed down. That is the view last night out my front door. Scary looking and not any vehicles on the road either.
After the snowplow guy came and moved all my snow out of my driveway you could hardly see the neighbors who walked by next door. They are standing up behind that pile.
The porch wasn't too bad itself but my steps were completely snowed in. Took me quite awhile to dig them out. Snowblowers are working overtime this afternoon now that the sun is shining. The groundhog did NOT see his shadow.. SPRING cannot come fast enough for me.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Took a  pic the other day of this snowman.. it's the only kind we have here now and
he is pretty lonely. There is a promise of some light snow over the next few days,
but nothing that would make a nice partner for him.
Those greens are real. The city provides real garland every year. It's the city that has our county buildings so they have money there to use for decoration. This cold weather will make the garland stick around for quite awhile. It takes them a long time to get the whole city decorated no wonder they wait until middle of January to take them all down.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Sobbing, I walked into the cold, windy afternoon air. I looked into the blue sky and wanted to scream that it is just not fair.. moments before, I watched my mother settle down for a nap. Her words echoed in my ears..

"You get old and then you die a long, hard, slow death."

It was not like anything I had heard her say before to me. I think that in a lucid moment she just could see the reality of what she was going through all these months.

I sat in the car a good long time, trying to clear the frustration out of my system. I have to be able to see to drive my way back home the two miles to my
house.  I started the car and slowly drove out of the long driveway, when something
caught my eye in a sudden motion.
Bounding across the road at least 10 deer running at full gallop.
I was so glad I had stopped for a few minutes and not traveled that
road or something bad could have happened.
2011 came in here with blue skies, green grassy fields and
many thoughts of what the year will bring.
My father died on New Years Day
seventeen years ago.

Friday, October 8, 2010


 It's Friday already. This week has been extremely busy and full of changes. I am  just grateful when Saturday comes and I don't have to go anywhere. Wellll, not exactly. The weather is glorious! Who would NOT want to go out and enjoy it? I will have to mow the lawn and do outdoor chores. I sure would rather do them in the warmth than a cold October day anytime!!

.Here is a pic of my famous DOLLAR watch. My watch, I wore forever, just would not keep time any way I tried.  I never thought of a bracelet type watch before. I kind of like the whole put one on in a hurry type thing. So I was browsing the display at the BIG K because I had to have a new one in a hurry, and didn't want to spend a lot of money on it. I saw this one sitting there with a clearance tag on it. $19.99! Well I was sold, it looked nice enough to me. When I got the front check out she scanned the watch box and low and behold it was a returned item and she said it was on clearance for ONE DOLLAR..did I want it anyway? Well , shoot.. it was running.. maybe all it needed was a battery. She said the battery had been replaced. OH BOY.. I said YES.. when I got to the parking lot and took the watch out of the box I noticed that there were TWO diamond chips one at 12 and one at 6. LUCKY me!! The maker is not listed on it, but who cares the darn thing works great. Sis really liked it. She collects watches, so when her birthday rolled around, I went back to the store looking for any that might be
returned. No such luck. I sure will be looking from now on though. A nice time piece that works for a buck is just my type of deal. I love it when I get a bargain!!
Well not much more from here..


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Pardon me. but do we still have a rant day that is a carry over from Spaces? Well don’t know the answer to that, but have gotten peeved about a few things lately that surely apply. First off.. why doesn’t anyone read road signs any more? I mean I am old school about things but really.. if the sign says YIELD.. DO IT!! If the sign says STOP.. do that too. Don’t roll on into the intersection waiting for the on coming traffic to stop for you. Twice I saw this and I must say it was NOT a teen driver doing it either. Here they call them a “Michigan roll.” Roll on out there and get smacked is what they should call them. Geez.. get some education!. I hate people who just go along and think they make the rules of the road. There is NEVER anyone around to give them a ticket to tell them that THEY ARE WRONG.. about what they are doing. Maybe if they got a ticket and had to pay money they wouldn’t do it again.

Mom and I nearly got broadsided with a man, (he was not a kid either) who just drove on through that very large sign that said YIELD. There is a lot of construction out there they are trying to finish before the bad weather comes, and I have seen people driving WAY too fast for the speed that is posted too. Too bad there is not an ”eye in the sky” camera around to film those drivers too. Another thing I truly don’t like is people who try to get out into the intersection before you have even cleared it. We have had some close calls lately and that always makes your heart race faster. There are some crazy drivers out there, who really should be given a lesson on how to OBEY the rules and road signs!

WHEW… now I feel better.. thanks!! (I miss the smilies from spaces)

Gas prices shot back up around here to 2.85! Never did find out why but that was at least a 25 cent jump.Went shopping for some fresh new apples and found that some stores had them as high as 3.99 a bag as where some others 1.99. Pays to shop around I guess. Michigan’s apple crop isn’t too great this year because of the freeze we had and so they are yielding a lot less than last year. The ones that are coming in are smaller apples and with less flavor. I find myself looking for the Washington varieties, they always are delicious.

Those of you on facebook know that Sis is trying out an e-reader. I am trying hers too. It is a fun little gadget that gets e mails and books and will go out on the web. Small and convenient and that is a good thing. Never thought I would use such a thing as I am addicted to my laptop now. It is a lot slower and harder to keep the wifi signal in tact but the battery life is great. You can make a picture viewer out of it with your SD card etc, so it proves to be a real multi-purpose item. I am quite impressed with it so far. So far I give it three stars. You can’t print anything out and maybe they will improve that in the future.

WELL it’s been quite a week here the last few days. Mom has made another trip to the ER and had a small surgery at another hospital. It never ends around here. I sure will be ready to get to the weekend!



Saturday, July 10, 2010


I loved these Hydrangeas and the three colors in one plant.

They are growing in front of an empty home that is for

sale. Sad that a family is missing all that beauty.