Monday, July 12, 2010


Remember those days when you were young and carefree. Boy that was a long time ago for me and maybe you too. Anyway.. today I came out of the store and heard

screaming.. well more like a high pitched squealing. I looked up and saw two large buses sitting in the parking lot. As I got closer I saw the name on the side of the bus.

It was a camp bus. So many kids yelling and most of them were getting off the bus.

Parents meeting the bus and one mother brought a surprise for her daughter. A puppy with a bow and ribbon around it's neck. The young lady couldn't have been more than 12 or 13. She was jumping up and down and just squealing with delight.

The pup looked like a miniature dachshund. Cute as could be. Pretty soon a large semi showed up with all the kids belongings. Back in my day, the kids brought their things in with a sleeping bag roll and that was that.NO semi hauling them. These kids had suitcases on wheels and many duffel's each. It was a real eye opener. Camp must have changed over the years with all the technology and such.I sort of think of camp as a "get away from it all place." A place to enjoy the outdoors and the companionship of
new friends without the computers and Ipods and gaming items. Maybe it is true..
the more you grow up the more things change and then maybe they don't!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I loved these Hydrangeas and the three colors in one plant.

They are growing in front of an empty home that is for

sale. Sad that a family is missing all that beauty.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Music blasted from a house nearby late into the night. I could hear it over the top of my air conditioner. What a way to start my birthday. I decided at 1:30 AM that I would sleep in today. I wouldn't get up at 5 AM like I have been with Mom lately. I felt I needed this day to do what I wanted to. At 7:00, a whole
two hours later, I gave Mom her breathing treatment and made sure she had her meds.She decided she would make her own breakfast today. I was pleased because I knew she was getting over her illness.
I found my way back up the 14 stairs to my room where I piled back in the bed for another hours rest. It felt divine!

I decided to check my e mails and low and
behold I found many birthday greetings waiting for me. What a joy.. it sure brought up my spirits. It seems like a year since Mom got sick and our whole world changed. There are not many times when you have much to celebrate about unless you try and find them. Mom only knew what day of the week it was. That is normal for her right now, I didn't feel bad about it..only sad. She remembered last year.. so much has occurred since then.

The center called and we had to leave earlier than usual. We were glad because this meant we could get home before 8 pm. The whole day is lost to us because we don't LIVE in the same town as the treatment center. There is NO leaving town anymore now that mom is unstable during her treatments. Sis had the day off
so she came along too. We spent 3 hours inside the public library reading and
using the laptop. (Without it I surely go insane.)If you don't live in town you can only use their computers for 30 minutes a day. Try doing it all in 30 minutes..
I sure can't do much.
We both nearly fell asleep,it is so quiet in there. The library in this town is so different from our own town. The rules are strictly ENFORCED. You won't hear cell phones or people talking much, even the children are quiet.
Sis and I had dinner at Taco Bell. I am not fond of it, but I didn't have to cook
it so that satisfied me.I had an ice cream cone for dessert that was so good. Hadn't had one in a long time. It literally melted in minutes due to the high temps we
were having. I could hardly lick fast enough.
Picked up mom from treatment and headed home. On the way, Sis informs me
that she thinks she has POISON IVY!
OH LORD..... I hope she kept the oil from coming to our house..

Monday, July 5, 2010


While making my strawberry pie I had to access some cornstarch. Yes it comes in a box. What I want to know is who's brilliant idea that was? I mean when you get so far down into the box your whole arm is covered with the stuff. You can not get a tiny measuring spoon into there and so you have to shake the darn box to get it to come to the opening. When you finally get it to the opening you get it all over the countertop and your body. Well.. at least I did anyway. Sputtering to myself, I thought who the heck puts this stuff in a box anyway? Why? I mean baking powder is in a can..most kinds are. Baking soda is in a small box so you can access it well. Maybe this cornstarch is so cheap to produce you can easily put it in a larger container who knows. I got covered in the stuff and that made me decide enough was enough and I put it all in a lock and lock container. Easy to access and refill. No mess or waste. I do put flour and sugar etc in a different container why not cornstarch? So that dilemma taken care of.. I got to thinking..what else can I box up? UH OH.. find me a container...~~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I can't believe that July is here now. We have had such warm
weather it felt like July the whole month of June. Things have
gotten complicated over the past few days. Mom's arm that she
uses for dialysis has stopped working for her. We are seeing a
surgeon in the morning to see what measures he wants to take
to help her get back on her schedule. In the meantime, she is
recovering from her bout with this illness that hospitalized her
last week. When it rains it pours it seems in her case lately.
Looks like it will be a busy 4th of July here for us trying to get
things straightened out. All your prayers will be appreciated
greatly by Mom and Sis and I. Will update you all when I get
a chance.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


So far I am loving being able to add things here on this blog as easy as can be. WhenI finally got the hang of it, that is. So many new things that Spaces
just did not even think of providing for us. The backgrounds and themes are unlimited here in many different ways and I like that. I do love to "change my skin" so to speak and do it a lot. Coming up with new things keeps things fresh
and that makes me more interested in blogging. I have to admit that since things changed over to Spaces I have spent less time checking out the blogs there than I used to do. I make an effort to find those I really like the most and then move on
to other things. When you visit me here from now on, I hope to keep it creative
and interesting.
When you stop by next time please make sure to feed Brandi for me..he
spends so many hours alone here he could use a treat! ; )
It's a CRIME!
That is what it feels like to me. Charging so much for one tiny item in the store. I know we used to pay pennies for gum and now a pack of 5 sticks costs 25 cents at the very least. Inflation is the culprit.. oh yeah it has to be. I mean the stick is the same size in some cases and tastes the same, but there must be some new ingredient that makes it cost more. Penny candy is so rare
these days except for some specialty stores. Recently I went to buy some cough expectorant. PLAIN kind no frills. I had to check three stores to find any. When I did, I bought the most generic brand as the real brand was almost twice the price.
I stood waiting to pay behind 4 children and their mother. What were they doing? They were purchasing PENNY CANDY. The counter in this small pharmacy had
a whole display of penny candy. I watched as they tried to decide which kind they wanted as their red-faced mother apologized for them taking so long. I smiled and said I remembered those days..let them have fun. Oh how I wanted to whip out my camera and take their picture. The joy on their faces as the lady behind the counter placed the candies in a small paper sack. When they left all smiles and
giggling I told the clerk it was fun watching them. She told me that was precisely why they do it.
DID I BUY ANY? What do you think?

Friday, June 25, 2010


DEFINITION.. A contemptible child or mucus from ones nose. Okay then.. well
we know what it is. WHY is there so much of it?? I mean is my head completely
empty and there are so many vacant spots in there that the stuff just multiplies

by the minute? Does some gremlin come in the night and place some kind of spell on me while I sleep so that the next day there is more of the stuff? While I have blown my nose for a week now..something must be going on. It can't just keep materilizing, or can it? I must read up because the colors coming from my head and sinus cavities are so varied. One day it looks like I snorted milk through my nose and the next it turns to a nice mellow yellow. Yeah I know that color means some kind of infection. How long can an infection last? Apparently, a long time even with medications. All I know is I have seen more than my share this week, andI won't bore you with what color is coming up from my nether lung areas. THAT might just scare ya!! AHHH the spring-summer cold it is a vicious animal.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Should I or shouldn't I? Smear it on and see

what happens. Mom was always attached to

her Vicks VapoRub. She thought it would cure

just about anything. She would put it on our chests

and then cover us up with blankets. One time I was

so sick with a chest cold she made me swallow some

of it! ACkkkk The jar states CLEARLY Do not consume

internally! Well maybe back 45 years ago it didn't

say it that clear. Who knows.. I was small and I only

knew that lovely rub made it easier for me to breathe.

We wore a scarf around our neck with it on it, we put it

in a vaporizer and the aroma filled the whole house.

So yesterday I smeared it on my feet. Specifically the

bottoms near the ball of my foot. I placed some nice

warm socks on and went to bed. Miracle of miracles..

it worked. I could breathe easy and actually slept

for the first night in several days. This simple solution

kept me from having to smell it all night long as a

bonus. IT WORKS! So if you ever wonder.. Vicks or

No Vicks GO with the Vicks!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Yep I adopted a puppy and I don't have
no bill for the vet to spay or neuter it. I
don't have to feed, water or walk him.
Alls I gotta do is play play play with
him and that makes him happy.
He is the same color as our old dog
and has the same name. You will find him
down the page a spell.
I gotta tip too. Don't push that
MORE blue button I beg you..heheheh
you will seeee He gets pretty
happy I tell ya..He loves that ball!!
The neighbors
here on this blogger might
get a little annoyed with him and
call the cyber cops on me!! I sure hope not!
Aawww it's just a little fun.

Blame it on my illness I am outta
my mind from coughing... phfffft!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I have found that as I get older I am more prone to be attached

to certain not so important objects. Things that others may see

as trivial. The other day I searched the whole house over for

a spatula. Not just any spatula mind I use for

everything. I even have mom using it. On my search I came

across many items that I thought I had lost. Some things

I was glad to see again. Scissors and clippers and placemats

and kitchen towels. I never thought to look outside the kitchen

for the spatula. WHY on earth would it be anyplace else?

So spatula was missing for at least 3 days. I began to fear it

it was thrown out. Heaven Forbid that happen. I loved it's
ease of use and the silicone rubber how it wouldn't burn. Just
when I gave up all hope of finding it. It resurfaced.. none the worse

for wear. Where was it you ask? Well it appears that mom had

used it for something in the BEDROOM of all things and left

it there. I asked her what she used it for and she could not

remember, but we both were happy to see it again.Thanks Sue..

I don't think you ever thought that I would use and get attached to

your gift so much.

Monday, June 14, 2010


We have a very old house..over 125 years creaks and snaps
and still hanging in there despite needing so many repairs.
Mom refuses to use drapes to keep out the cold we have shades.
She informed me that yesterday morning when she raised the shades
to our new know, the ones I spoke of moving in..
YES, you read that right. He was NOT peeing over the railing of
the porch..he was peeing ON the PORCH!!! EWWWW..
I was shocked..she was appalled and ready to call the cops!!
LOL I told her that there was nothing we could do but call
the landlady (who doesn't live here in town) and let her know what kind
of people she has living there. She doesn't care, I long as she
gets her money. YES they have a bathroom and YES it is working
no one else PEES on the porch. She said he left the doorway and just let it
fly and then went back in the house. Could he not find a cup or a
bucket inside the house??? I mean so many alternatives to doing
such a thing. I said to her..ARE YOU SURE?? She said YES..I know what
one looks like and I know when it is taking a leak!!! I said did you see
the PEE?..she said YES!! LOL By this time she was getting ticked at me for
questioning her. So I told her to call the landlady and inform her if
she wanted to..I didn't see it and I wasn't going to. If it happens
over and over again.I will but not for one incident.

That is not a good thing to see in the morning before your coffee and
breakfast I agree! Some people just blow my mind on why they
do the things they do. Quit trying to figure it out, I say, it will only
drive you crazy.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


It was just sitting here doing nothing..
waiting for me..I thought maybe someday
I will need it for something.. why delete it?
So here I am joining in with so many others
who are leaving MSN Spaces for other venues.

If you haven't visited me before let me tell you
what I my philosophy is ...
I firmly believe that you are where you are supposed
to be and are who you are supposed to be the minute
you were born. Part of GOD'S PLAN for us all...He doesn't
make mistakes so that is just that. I don't look back and
wonder,I instead look ahead and be grateful to be alive and
wonder what it yet to be.

This blog is about my thoughts and my attempts to write what things interest me and my daily life here on planet Earth. I hope it interests you in some way too. I believe that God knows what is going on at all times and ours is not to doubt it, because he makes no mistakes.

ABOUT THE PUBLISHER /AUTHOR.. I live in lower Michigan and I am an over 50, full time caregiver at the moment. I am caring for my elderly mother at home who is in the last stages of kidney failure. I enjoy writing fiction stories and have a written journal for over 35 years of my life. I love photography and making connections with others in the blogging world.

All thoughts on this blog are for informational purposes only. Also, the blog admin, is not responsible for any comments, advice, or any information others should post here. Materials written are BY ME.. the author unless otherwise noted. Crass or off color comments will be immediately deleted.