Saturday, May 16, 2020



WELL May is here. Michigan has finally gotten some warmer temps and the grass is so green.  I am really enjoying it. I still have my air conditioner covered but that won't last long. I got out this week after 13 days inside. Boy were my eyes opened. First off NO hand wipes and NO ONE wiping off carts. Instead I saw a spray bottle and a large roll of brown paper towels. I sprayed my cart good and wiped it off  best I could and then used my own hand sanitizer I had  carried afterward.  Since the last time I was out, things really changed. Meat  and eggs were hard to find in some places, and stocks of pasta, breads, soups and chips and snacks on the shelves were in on the way to empty. The prices were higher than before. Supply and demand I guess. The truck came in the day before according to a cashier guess only certain supplies come on certain days. Just happy to find some items on my list.  Blue arrows on the floor told me which way to go, but I noticed that not everyone was observing it. NOT everyone was wearing a mask either. It is mandatory here, signs tell you, but really no one is stopping you or telling you to leave. I made sure that I stayed away from people anyway. It sure seemed odd. 

We are STAY HOME until MAY 28!. People are NOT happy at all about it.  As of today the 16th we have lost almost 5,000 people here in Michigan. We made national news and our governor has been interviewed many times on news networks. She was called "THAT WOMAN" by Trump.Many protesters showed up at the state capital in Lansing with guns and flags. Many of them were Trump supporters. The governor did not back down much.  She is on  Joe Biden's list for Vice President.
I sure hope he does not choose her. I just think she has enough on her plate here to do and is not the strongest person. So many other choices. People seem to think it is too severe to have so many restrictions. Well they seem to work for some states to keep things under control. Some states have already lifted so many restrictions so we wait to see what the consequences are.

 I do look forward to the "OLD DAYS" when we can now get haircuts, go to stores to shop and see movies and go to festivals and fairs etc. They are all cancelled this summer. It will truly be a long one with no events to go to. Hoping that my next blog in June will have much better news than May. 

P.S. I DID buy a hat.. I bought TWO!! 

Sunday, April 19, 2020


SO it has come to this. Stuck in Virus limbo like millions of others unable to get a hair cut. A simple trim, buzz cut, whatever.. no deal. So I trim my own pretty well in the front but the back is another nightmare. I usually have a pixie cut so it doesn't matter but this stuff is grown out 5 inches. Not wanting to have a mullet, I asked Sis to trim it off in the back. What the heck, is just straight across right???? 😕😨✂✂

NOPE...the dreaded word..OOOPS.. came across her lips..I knew I was in for it. She said.. well I am sure you can FIX IT..😱 ME...I asked her to fix it. Soo she says.. 
better give up.. just BUY A HAT.. everyone else is in the same boat. YES they are.
I am not and never really have been a hat person.. this will drive me to it for sure. 
Right now you cannot shop freely much here in our little town. The GOODWILL closed and most all other shops. It's a ghost town. My next trip out I will check the Dollar General again for another scarf for a mask and a hat. By the time I get done I will look like the baddest bandit  around...we all are becoming the shady characters our mothers warned us about.  Smiles covered up..who knows who is lurking around the corner. 😅

Stay well my blogging friends..WE are in it will end eventually and a whole new way of living will be what we will be grateful to have. 😷

Friday, March 20, 2020


               C O R O N A  V I R U S   I S    H E R E .... 

                                 THIS IMAGE FROM THE CDC shows what it looks like under microscope.

   I  am blogging from my apartment..self distanced from the population.
There are 8 apartments in my building. They have steam cleaned the  hallway carpets and twice weekly they come in and clean the doors and surfaces. We talk to each other from across the hall or outside away from each other. I don't allow anyone in my apartment. I hope nothing needs fixing until this passes.  I spray my door way and door knobs outside so that I know I try to keep things away. Am I paranoid? NO.. just careful. 

One hyphenated word that has changed our whole world. Like day we were fine living our daily lives and the next a whole new way of living was upon us. Words like quarantine, self distancing, and Pandemic are now the norm. Daily briefings, school and business closures updated hourly. All countries involved world wide. What I thought would happen has happened. My fear level went from 3 or 4 to 10.
I mean..going outside into the world of people and germs. We know not where it is .. it is different from any other virus we have been in touch with. I wear a mask when I go outside and carry a wipe in my hand at all times. After 10 days I am still coughing from the cold I caught. Neighbors asking me questions. NO I DO NOT HAVE IT! My lungs are just weak and when I get a cold it hangs on and goes into my chest. 
WHAT chance do I have against a virus that ATTACKS the lungs that requires people of health risk to be on a ventilator? NOT much. So it seems I will be here for a long time into the summer. I just cannot imagine it but I guess it will happen. WE WILL GET THROUGH IT. 

I feel that when this gets a vaccine that works and they can make enough to help us all.. life may go back to a sort of normal. I say sort of.. because we all will be changed because of it.    I spray my MAIL.. when it is delivered.. I have no idea how many people have touched it, breathed on it.  
I use gloves to touch it. EXTREME.. not in my mind. When I go out it is an ordeal. I only stay in stores a short amount of time as possible. I like others have been stockpiling all the items I think I need. So far so good. I am used to NOT FINDING things in the stores when I go. When I get home I spray my coat and leave it near the open door. I wash myself all over and change my clothes. YES I DO.. it makes me feel better to know I am doing my best to help myself. YES life has changed.. We had a family member pass away and NO services will be held. The family has to distance itself because the elderly. Just life changing. We will have a service later.. but who knows when that will be. 

So that is what I am doing.. things to help myself get through these times. I listen to what DR FAUCI says and he tells it like it is. When he or the experts tell us it is time to relax a little.. I will..until then I remain
on guard. 

PLEASE dear blogging friends. I wish you well and hope you and your family stay away from this horrible virus. 

Saturday, February 29, 2020


               HELLO AGAIN....

       So lets address the elephant in the room.. CORONAVIRUS.. In my opinion only.. I think it will get a lot worse for the whole world before it gets better. When the CDC came out and said “NOT IF but WHEN we get it bad”, WELL that put me into being prepared MODE. Living in a small town and having little access to a vehicle I have to make plans to buy supplies. When you get most of your cheaper goods from a country that is NOW in lock down it will be hard on the stores to replenish themselves here. It won’t be all of the will be a slow process but it WILL happen. I guess we AMERICANS have depended so long on imports that it will be a shock to some. BUY AMERICAN.. Yes they cost more but at least we are helping our economy and our citizens with jobs. Do I buy  only American products.. NO I don’t, so I am not perfect. I spend plenty in the dollar stores because my budget makes me. Most of the products there are imports.

  There is a lot to this virus that the country of origin is NOT telling us. A  L O T. I am scared of the regular flu much less one that is even worse. I get my shots every year and take an OCD approach to trying to keep clear of illness. Having asthma my whole life, when I get sick, I really get sick. I pray the USA gets more prepared and keeps its citizens safe as they can. Seeing the reports of CHINESE cities all but empty..scary. People made to stay in place, schools and businesses shut down for MONTHS not weeks or days. I dread that to happen in our cities here. F E A R is a terrible thing to live under. 
Enough of my ranting.. I do hope we all stay as well as we can and get through this whole virus situation and see an end to it.  UNTIL THEN…. 


Saturday, January 18, 2020


Sooo Winter finally made it to our little city. We have seen green grass most of the
whole month of November, and December. I know folks are happy that love the cold and snow but me.. I prefer it to come and then GO not stick around. After the polar vortex last year, this is welcomed.

I made sure all my doctor appointments were BEFORE flu season hit hard. Good thing seems everyone is down with something or another. My reports are excellent. My glaucoma is under control with very good numbers and no return visits until Spring. My cardiologist visit went the same. That dreaded AFIB did not return after 2 separate 2 week monitors. Praise the Lord.. I am soooo blessed. NSR or normal sinus rhythm is a wonderful thing. So 2020 started on a good note. My sister moved into my building in August last year as she prepares to sell her home. She is not all that happy living in a small place after a big house and that is to be expected. She is closer now to her daughter and grandkids and me so that is a good thing. Hope it will get better in time when things settle more.   Life moves on in my world.

I wish you all happiness and good health in the new year.   Happy Winter..