Sunday, April 19, 2020


SO it has come to this. Stuck in Virus limbo like millions of others unable to get a hair cut. A simple trim, buzz cut, whatever.. no deal. So I trim my own pretty well in the front but the back is another nightmare. I usually have a pixie cut so it doesn't matter but this stuff is grown out 5 inches. Not wanting to have a mullet, I asked Sis to trim it off in the back. What the heck, is just straight across right???? 😕😨✂✂

NOPE...the dreaded word..OOOPS.. came across her lips..I knew I was in for it. She said.. well I am sure you can FIX IT..😱 ME...I asked her to fix it. Soo she says.. 
better give up.. just BUY A HAT.. everyone else is in the same boat. YES they are.
I am not and never really have been a hat person.. this will drive me to it for sure. 
Right now you cannot shop freely much here in our little town. The GOODWILL closed and most all other shops. It's a ghost town. My next trip out I will check the Dollar General again for another scarf for a mask and a hat. By the time I get done I will look like the baddest bandit  around...we all are becoming the shady characters our mothers warned us about.  Smiles covered up..who knows who is lurking around the corner. 😅

Stay well my blogging friends..WE are in it will end eventually and a whole new way of living will be what we will be grateful to have. 😷


Sue Lehman said...

Hey, I've been wearing a hat all along, complete with my mask, because if the virus is out there at least my hair won't have to deal with it. I was one of the lucky ones to get a nice short cut just before quarantine! I just keep a hat in the car anyway!

dellgirl said...

I hope this works out well for you. I like the hat with the skeleton head on it.

Thank you for stopping by and for taking time to leave a lovely comment. I appreciate that so much.

Cindy said...

Hey Carol!
Can’t help you out with the hat, but if you need a mask, send me your address and I’ll send you a couple. Just the regular kind, made out of quilting fabric, but it’s what we use and it’s better than nothing. My email is the same or you can send it via Facebook messenger.