Saturday, May 16, 2020



WELL May is here. Michigan has finally gotten some warmer temps and the grass is so green.  I am really enjoying it. I still have my air conditioner covered but that won't last long. I got out this week after 13 days inside. Boy were my eyes opened. First off NO hand wipes and NO ONE wiping off carts. Instead I saw a spray bottle and a large roll of brown paper towels. I sprayed my cart good and wiped it off  best I could and then used my own hand sanitizer I had  carried afterward.  Since the last time I was out, things really changed. Meat  and eggs were hard to find in some places, and stocks of pasta, breads, soups and chips and snacks on the shelves were in on the way to empty. The prices were higher than before. Supply and demand I guess. The truck came in the day before according to a cashier guess only certain supplies come on certain days. Just happy to find some items on my list.  Blue arrows on the floor told me which way to go, but I noticed that not everyone was observing it. NOT everyone was wearing a mask either. It is mandatory here, signs tell you, but really no one is stopping you or telling you to leave. I made sure that I stayed away from people anyway. It sure seemed odd. 

We are STAY HOME until MAY 28!. People are NOT happy at all about it.  As of today the 16th we have lost almost 5,000 people here in Michigan. We made national news and our governor has been interviewed many times on news networks. She was called "THAT WOMAN" by Trump.Many protesters showed up at the state capital in Lansing with guns and flags. Many of them were Trump supporters. The governor did not back down much.  She is on  Joe Biden's list for Vice President.
I sure hope he does not choose her. I just think she has enough on her plate here to do and is not the strongest person. So many other choices. People seem to think it is too severe to have so many restrictions. Well they seem to work for some states to keep things under control. Some states have already lifted so many restrictions so we wait to see what the consequences are.

 I do look forward to the "OLD DAYS" when we can now get haircuts, go to stores to shop and see movies and go to festivals and fairs etc. They are all cancelled this summer. It will truly be a long one with no events to go to. Hoping that my next blog in June will have much better news than May. 

P.S. I DID buy a hat.. I bought TWO!! 


dellgirl said...

I wish you well, my friend and hope things get better for you soon. I'm a TOTAL homebody so the lock-down is just me being told to do what I already do. Good for you on buying the hats.

Have a Safe and Happy Sunday!

Katie Isabella said...

I am happy you got out to geta couple hats! And got back out to see the light of day! XXOO

Seeking Serenity said...

Virtual (((Tight HUG))) because I cant hug anyone.
I am shocked where I live that Everyone has a mask on.
The only exception i have seen has been the very mentally disabled.