Thursday, August 25, 2016


There are really no words to describe the generosity of my friend ANITA.
In the past she has been beside me through thick and thin, bad and good times and started me on my way with a old desktop computer called RUPERT. Rupert was named after a man named RUPERT BONHAM. He was quite a guy and was a player on the game SURVIVOR.  RUPERT, the computer, was a survivor. He went through many changes and is how I learned computers and how to communicate through something called BLOGGING back over 10 years ago. I have had at least 5 computers of this kind and that since then. 


 In July I celebrated my entry into being a "senior citizen". Anita gifted me with a new laptop. I was overwhelmed with joy. I named it GRACE after her (the definition of her name is "full of grace".) Sounded great to me. 
WHY name it? Like cars and all my computers, I name them.. always have.
It become a part of your life so why not

So now I am learning all about the new WINDOWS 10 everyone is talking about. Something new almost every day. I cannot believe the speed and the ease of use. Big difference from Vista and Windows 7 for sure. It's a whole new world and it's full of GRACE...   

Saturday, July 2, 2016


 I have been so bad at blogging lately. Where did all that enthusiasm go that I had for writing? I can hardly believe I entered every day of the week or  even several times a week. Shocking to me. I have spent less time on line and more time in the real world I guess. I have been struggling with tons of paperwork for Social Security. I don't know how it all works yet but I am learning. 
 I have had major laptop troubles but they will fade soon when I get a most wonderful present from my angel best friend soon. A NEW ONE! I cannot wait. I have no idea how I will deal with the speed of it. (Doing the happy dance!) ;-)

Here it is the FOURTH OF JULY!! Hope you all have some great weather and some fun things scheduled. My Sis came over and we went to our annual "CRUISE-IN".. Old cars gather in town and they compete for prizes and run up and down the streets. It is quite a sight. Of course..I took some photos.. until the battery died..Isn't that the way it goes?  These old cars looked so neat ridin' along.I love the 50's cars. The thunder from some engines added to the excitement. Folks lined the streets last night to watch them.


It was followed after dark with lots of fireworks..It rained a little so they were not banned here in town. It will be a wonderful 4th here.. weather is great and lots of activities to see and do. 



Saturday, April 9, 2016


They said it was going to be an early spring.  The farmer's almanac, the groundhog, the woolly worm.. all wrong!!  We had 70 degrees and the birds and critters were happy and then.. it got rainy and then COLD.. really cold. We woke up to 29 degrees after a low of 17 and snow covering everything that had been bursting forth with buds and flowers. Nice for people with allergies, non existent right now. If we have a long hot summer then I am just fine with a colder spring. Bring it on..just not the snow. By the end of our week it will be back off the roller coaster and into warmer weather. Maybe this is the last blast.. (yeah I said that the last time.) It's weather in Michigan and it sure can change in a hurry. We have to deal with it. Next week they test the tornado sirens. Weird indeed..
At least 3 inches here overnight.
Yes, they put out the lawn chairs...
YES it  sure looks beautiful..

Yes they put out the hoses already and some planted flowers.