Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Friday, February 8, 2013


We are in a great place, ready for new adventures.
We are definitely on an island.. just look at that
view Ahhhhhhhhh it looks great!! I almost
thought we wouldn’t make it because someone
left their ID and we had to go back for it. ( ThinkingNot saying
who, but the mind has been elsewhere lately..)
Anyway.. boy that heat feels good!! We got a ton of beaches
and neat places to eat and explore. Not a lot of tourists
to deal with so we can have the place to ourselves.
I rename this place BLOGGERS  BEACH.. LOL It is NOT
Hawaii, or Florida, or Ca. Can you guess where???
We can take a  break from the tanning process and wave watching and
walk over to that white building. It’s a CASINO!! Let’s try our luck and
see who can win the most with the least amount of money wagered! Smile
Just checked the weather here it is a balmy 74 degrees and wonderful.
Beats the snow reports back home.. I know we will love it!! 
Hey what happened to Sherry??.. I heard she got lucky at the crap table!!.
ACKkk Surprised
who the heck is parasailing over my beach?? Oh.. maybe that is JOE
he said he wanted an adventure.. watch out Joe, the landing can be a
doozy!! Smile
Wonder what is on the agenda for tomorrow…oh well it is better than
home that is for sure…

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Literally been days since I have been out and about and so I think I have come down with "cabin fever" defined as "Noun....
Irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter." The sun has only been out briefly in over ten days and a snow storm is approaching. Makes me want to  G E T  A W A Y....
time for my virtual vacation. I used to do this at Spaces and it was pretty popular so
here we go... 
Ahhhhhhh  the smell of the ocean and the roar of the waves.. my kind of vacation..
wondering what tomorrow will bring...stay tuned.....

Thursday, January 31, 2013


HELL HOUSE ..that's what I used to call the house next door to us where I used to live. What with drug dealers and critters living in it after it was abandoned there was plenty of reason to call it that. The whole neighborhood was on a rampage to have the house torn down or remodeled. While I  still lived there some nice folks bought it and re-modeled it and moved in. The neighborhood was saved passed away and we had to give up the old house. It took me months to clean it out and leave that old place. It had been in our family 60 plus years. 

NOW there is another HELL's OUR old house. The house sat until someone finally bought it for a very reduced price. Neighbors were happy UNTIL....they found out that our house was being used for a loud rock band to play in the garage and the people who bought it were not so very nice. Our old house needed a new roof and many repairs.  The roof was repaired, but a whole lot of the house was left to go unattended. Neighbors called the police numerous times over the noise and had lots of run-ins over this and that. This is how the house looks now..quite the difference
They took out the bushes in the front and trimmed the old pine tree up, tore up the backyard and park cars in it and the yard. New owners are entitled to do as they please I tell everyone who tells me things. It's THEIR house now.  It's sad that the place has to be a problem for others though. I tell them things could be worse at least it is occupied. Life goes on, but inside that old house the spirit of my parents and all the hard work they put into it still lingers. The floors still creak and the doors open and shut on their own, lights flicker and noises are heard once in awhile. I hope the new owner is used to them by now. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


 OH MY I'm so very grateful and happy to see so many new comments on my Summer Barn photo. Thanks a million.. I thought I would post another view of it since so much of it was cut out.  The second or third roof on it is just now sagging with time.About half of it is still used for storage and as a garage. These were taken in June before the vines started turning color as in the  previous post. We thought the vines were poison ivy but turned out they weren't. Glad to know it because they grew all over it as you can see by the picture below. We haven't had a lot of snow yet this winter and I am still waiting to take a WINTER picture of it. 

Monday, January 28, 2013


I added a photo of my summer barn here. There are some really nice photos of all kind of Charming Barns.  
This barn belongs to my sister. I took a photo this summer of the vine that crept all over the side of it. I just love old always makes me wonder who built them and what they kept inside and how long it has been around. My Grandfather had a dairy farm in Tennessee and he took us out in the barn many times to help with the milking. I loved watching him work. My were those milk cans heavy when full. Ahhh the memories...

Friday, May 25, 2012


Feels kinda like July fourth weekend instead of Memorial day around here. Weather is scorching hot and clear so far. Not sure if we will get any relief in the heat at all.
 I added some color and music to get me in the mood. Hope it won't be too much, I just felt like a parade I guess. We don't do many parades around here anymore. Not many used to show up so they decided to just march a few blocks and that was it. Kinda sad compared to years past with all the hoopla. I do pause to think of all those who served and are serving in our military and helping to keep us safe and free. They sure don't get enough credit for all they did and do. 

Whatever your plans are..I hope you have a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


By now most of you know I had a little tumble and fall accident this past week. I am still recovering from it, funny how something small can change your whole life.
    Talk about ..    

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 
Robert Frost
 I recently had a chance to change things up some and maybe take myself in a new direction. I was going to try and take a chance anyway. Then I fell, and when I did,  I saw stars..well at least I think that's what they were. That pain was something I hadn't ever  felt before. I have fallen many time in my life, but  I immediately thought..OH now you have really broken it!  No, the kneecap wasn't broken but the whole thing is bruised and I was LUCKY!! So lucky. It made me take note of what limitations I have at this time of my life. So some plans had to change and I am left to sit around  healing up and trying to keep a positive spin on things.
 First time I had driven around in the car was yesterday. I was very careful for sure. Nothing like tweaking that thing over again, especially when you are away from home. Wearing a velcro elastic brace on it just to keep it in line. Trip to the store was even longer than I expected. Had forgotten how long and tired a trip it can be for someone who is disabled,  I felt pretty give out by the time I got home. I just have to take it easy for awhile. I find climbing steps a real challenge but I know it will be better day by day.  One step at a time. 
 I still cannot believe Memorial day weekend is coming soon.. I hope you all have a safe and happy one.


Monday, May 7, 2012


Did you ever drive some where and wonder how you got there? The car just goes almost by itself. To work, or to home? Happens a lot to me lately. I start out one place and whiz over to someplace else. Guess my mind is cluttered with other things and just doesn't know what it is doing sometimes. Recently I drove to our old house twice and was headed someplace else. It's like something else took me over and I ended up there. 
I was really shocked when I arrived and saw three metal lawn chairs sitting on the porch that looked just like the ones we had. Antique ones. Sis and I both are almost SURE that there were things left in the attic of our garage that we did not know about. How in the world this young fella could get three green antique chairs just like the ones Dad and Mom had is beyond me. Sis said it's a sign from the folks.." we are still around." I am going to make it a point to drive by there and try to get the photo. Makes me wonder what else was up there. What treasures we could have found that Dad left for us. DID you ever wish you had checked something out that you didn't? We sure do now. 
I recently took a drive out in the country looking around for some nice photos of wild flowers, you know the ones that make us sneeze. We have had a lot of rain recently and the fields are full of all sorts of new growth right now. What I found mostly was that ever growing Phlox that seems to pop up in every yard and every roadside ditch. The purple and white is quite pleasing to the eye. DID you ever wish you hadn't put flowers in a vase with a cat in the house? Yeah..guilty here. Chalk it up to not being aware that cats are curious of all things new. WHAM..water and flowers everywhere. I never even got to sneeze at them. Didn't bother to put them back out on the table either. Lesson learned. 

DID you ever take a different route to some place out of the blue? Not so out of the blue I am thinking.. Several days ago I decided to take two different out of the way streets to go somewhere close in town. When I got to the place I saw that people were standing out talking and looking. When I looked there,a big nasty car accident. I would have been right there if I had went another way. Some how I was getting signals..go another way. You may think that is creepy or weird to believe, but me..I never take those vibes as nonsense. We make those decisions for a reason.I
sure don't question things like that any more. Chalk it up to experience or just my old age. Well, I  will stop rambling away..


Friday, May 4, 2012


I clicked on a link at Facebook and boy was I happy to see this site. It takes us all back to the the 60's when things were so much more simple and relaxed. As I read the content, boy I had to agree with just about everything on it. I remembered my mother using that coke bottle with a stopper on it and sprinkling laundry to iron them.

 I used to love the smell of freshly ironed clothes. Mom had the same wooden ironing board until we had to sell the contents of the house and the board never sold. It remained in the house for the next owner. We had a big old wooden radio in the kitchen that sat on the counter for years. It still worked, but was replaced with a microwave oven. Not sure where the radio went, but wish I still had it would be worth more than it was then. 
So many new conveniences that make our lives easier, or do they? I can remember it taking all day for mom to make a big pot of soup and her tending to it ..made the house smell so wonderful. Now the crock-pot does that in no time and it tastes similar but not really the same. Did your family ever use Green Stamps? We got them at the local A&P store for groceries we bought. I knew we had to go out of town just to redeem them. Mom bought an iron and many other items we needed at home. I can still taste that nasty glue they had on them. Mom made us kids do the licking of the stamps.

Everything is fast now.. the faster the better, some say. I am one to think that slow is better to enjoy every minute of life. Nice to look back on things that really help us see how far we have come along.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


For two days now I have been chasing the Wifi.. both at home and on the road. Believe it or not I have just entered into my third spot. I settled into my little desk area at the library and all of a sudden UH OH.. their system went on the blink. Good thing they announced it or I would have thought my laptop on the fritz.

They had the same problem last Friday.. boy that place sure clears out in a hurry once NO ONE can get on line. So I moved on to another spot and no longer is their service FREE, you have to make a purchase to get the code. So I settled for another spot at the local Hospital parking lot. Here I pick up limited connection, but at least I can get someplace.
Today is sunny here and in the 50′s.. had a very cool morning. I noticed that the price of gas had come down over the weekend to 2.82..big relief as it was nearly 3.00 last week. Visited the post office and bought stamps.. this old gal will never buy anything but the “FOREVER” stamps.. let me tell ya that was a genius idea. Why pay more just because you had some left over..

We had an appt to meet with the social worker in mom’s case and she has promised to try to move mom’s schedule so that we can get home before dark. I sure hope it is soon. Then I met with the clinical nurse in charge to go over all mom’s meds. GOOD NEWS..she can now stop two more of her meds. This means that she is well enough to not need them in her system at all. I questioned whether that would be okay with her DOCTOR in charge and she said she would make it SO. Hmm makes you wonder just who the heck is really running the ship! When one says one thing and another something else I QUESTION it!! I feel for those who don’t understand things it must be very very confusing to them. I see my laptop battery is getting low again.. will have to invest in an adapter soon so I can charge it in the car. I just hope I don’t have to do much more chasing wifi in the future, gas what it is.. well.. makes a person make hard decisions. Just glad the weather is okay and it is warm inside the car.


P.S. We sure are having a great time with our Facebook group page. Remember you can’t find the group, if you have been invited, UNLESS your are on the HOME page ..not your profile page.