Thursday, June 11, 2020

JUNE 2020

WHAT to say??  
 Everyday we were bombarded with updates on CORONA virus. The news got worse
and then some better. Many protested about the strict regulations and went against them anyway. Businesses learned that if they tried to get people to wear the masks inside their stores.. there would be backlash. Some died because of it. We were warned that if we did not take precautions to be "safe", the next round of virus would be worse. Some states lifted their regulations earlier than others. CORONA left the news very fast. People were still dying by thousands, and recovering, but corona was not what it was. Then MAY 25th happened. 

 A black man who went into a store, just a routine day..happened to get a phony 20 dollar bill from a machine. Police were called and what transpired was the most horrible thing one could imagine. A young woman filmed it all on her phone. WE as a collective WORLD saw what happened. A man lost his LIFE at the hands of a
policeman and not in a easy shooting way.. a hard long 8 min begging for his life kind of way. Within days the WORLD responded to this death. Everyone now knows his name. GEORGE FLOYD.  So then protesting in such magnitude that the world had never seen before, took place. YES it was global, destruction and death took place. 
Burning, looting and lives and businesses were destroyed. The White House was under attack, so they called in troops and fortified the gates. The president of our country had little to say really. There was NO leadership.. no calm voice to try to get people together. It was very sad indeed. He did photo ops and acted as if nothing much was happening. 

So all this happened in a period of maybe a week or so and then 4 days of funerals for George in many towns. Thousands stood and attended along the way. His poor family endured the loss in the public eye. The protests turned more into peaceful marches and want for change. CHANGE took place. It is June now and change is still taking place. Police are being charged in many cities for undo violent behavior toward black people. On August 28 a million people are expected to walk to the same place where Martin Luther King made his famous speech back in 1963. He had a dream..I do believe that his dream may finally finally take place. May GOD help our country to make the changes happen. It's time has come. 



Terry's Tete-a-tete said...

I certainly hope all this does bring about change. We've lived divided for much too long.

Seeking Serenity said...

yet another one and once again i hope its the last... but i know it isnt because then some kids "Jaywalking" on a back road with no sidewalks were grabbed and cuffed just yesterday.
this place we live is so strange with all the 'mass-shootings' of kids that continue and cops that still kill

Ramblingon said...

Thanks for visiting me yesterday. I am subscribed to the blog but I'm not getting your updates. If I can find the subscription place on your blog I will try again.
By the way, Blogger has its notices all over...if you like I can copy and paste them to you.

Ramblingon said...

just sent it in an email t you.

dellgirl said...

I agree, May GOD help our country to make positive changes happen. It's TIME!