Saturday, March 19, 2022



YES indeed it was a very mild entry into March this year,
 70 degrees and the only snow seen was in piles in parking lots water 
running from them. Rains followed and birds are active and trees are trying to bud
out. Sure hope we don't get another 6 inches of snow! ⛄

 Around here I found a small water leak in under my carpet in my entryway. WHAT!?? I would not have known it was there if not been barefoot. Had two people look at it from maintenance and they shake their heads because this job is too big for them. I fear tearing up carpet and flooring will be the way to fix it. It has been almost a WEEK..many calls to the office.. They are making an appointment with a plumber is all I can hear. Meanwhile I am using towels and trying to keep the water from seeping any farther into my living room. If it was a big leak..well they would have had to get right to it. 😒💲
It's official I am a hoarder.. (oh..not that kind.).I am hoarding non perishable food items. I noticed the prices going up so fast about a month ago so every time I see something I can keep for a year or two I buy it. Oh in this tiny apt it's really a task to find places, but I am managing. This week I saw a head of lettuce for 3$😱😮 too bad I can't keep that for more than a week. I shop the sales a lot and changed my eating habits. Did you know that CAMPBELL soups are pretty tasty?I hadn't bought any in years but I found the CHUNKY ones to be really good after I rinse some of it off. Salt is really sky high in those but when they go on sale.. I buy especially the ones with more protein.

WELL I am aware of the tragedy in Ukraine and how the war is so bad. I try not to get upset over it. I limit my news intake as much as I can. Seeing babies and small kids being killed and displaced just is too much. I pray they will get as much help as they need to hold off Putin's army and end this. 🙏🙏🙏 


Sunday, February 13, 2022



WELL half the month is gone and I am finally able to sit down and add something here. I am just getting over another "something" even the doctor had no idea what it was. Now that is unreal. I insisted on a chest x ray...that came out negative for Bronchitis and Pneumonia. Thank Goodness. After being sick soo many times I wanted to take no chances. GUESS WHAT.. I had NO taste and NO smell. YES was NOT COVID! I was tested three times on different days. Just amazing. Finally came to the conclusion on my own that using my inhalers more than usual could be causing a problem. Yes I was breathing better but ohhh the side effects. YIKES.. It was not flu, worse than a regular cold..Just plain weird. One the mend now just coughing some. I use two to three masks and hardly leave my place. WHY ME? Just crazy.. 

SO what else is new?  A new tenant moved in across the hall from me and poor lady did not have a thing but a lamp and a lazy boy and a small tv. WOW... we all felt bad for her. She was waiting for her things to come from storage and talk about a wait.. almost 3 weeks. She said a lot of her clothes and essentials were in that storage and so we did what we could to help out. She arrived in a snow storm, we had at least 9 inches total and had no boots. Talk about a sad circumstance. Told her I hardly leave my apt so I wait until the sidewalks clear up before I go. She managed to take our bus to town for some groceries. When her U Haul arrived and they unloaded it  they had to hurry because it was snowing! Guess it will take awhile for her to find all her things. I sure know what it feels like to have a place with nothing in it. She was sleeping in the chair!

Word went around the complex that someone in another building had covid. It's not as scary as it was in the beginning where they would spray the building hall ways and wipe down the doors and put MASK signs up to enter. My how times have changed. Possible to have it and not know it.. YES living proof of many tests and so many strains.. who knows any more. ANYWAY... just glad it was not my building. I wear a mask or TWO when I leave my place so I do take the precautions. 

 This year will be 11 years since my mom passed. It seems like a long time, but your memories are like yesterday. So much has happened and some days you wish you could get her opinion about things. I often find myself talking to her, knowing there will be no answer. If I listen to my inner thoughts I will know what she would say. The days roll on and there is so much unrest in the world I know she is the lucky one not to deal with it all any more. 




Thursday, January 20, 2022


Sooo January has been an interesting month. Where I live we have had little snow and some cold temps but very mild compared to all the other areas in the country.Snow came and melted and then green grass shows everywhere. Just is so strange.

 I started the new year trying to get over a lingering bout of Bronchitis that started in December. The coughing had the neighbors asking about my health and curious if I had Covid. I have left my apt very few times so there was reason to ask I guess. Just trying to get stronger and stay away from people. I have had my fill of sickness so far and don't take too many chances. 

People mostly acting like nothing is going on. Not wearing masks or keeping their distance. Not trying at all. It sure is odd. Things are worse than in the beginning. The latest OMICRON virus runs like a cold.. seems everyone will get it sooner or later..I hope mine is NEVER. I guess I can dream. I ordered test kits from the government recently it is sure easier than standing in line or making an appt some where to get a test. Now all the masks we have are not really good enough so I wear TWO just hoping they will help. Kids in the family sent home repeated times because a single child has tested positive as precaution. So we sit and wait to see if the kids get sick and have to find a place to have them tested. 

Other news is that a family member is on hospice watch and end of life care. Although they are not really close to me they are family. It is a difficult time for us all. Quite a shock to us all. We are still processing the news and trying to deal with the days to come. Appreciate your prayers for us at this time. 

I do hope you all stay healthy and safe through these very hard times ahead. 



Friday, December 17, 2021



What a year we all have had. Some good things and a whole lot of confusion.
I, for one, am glad it's almost over. Here's hoping we all have some peace and joy and a very healthy 2022. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021


WELL now that is an interesting title. 

Crazy weather and lots of doctor appointments and attempts to stay away
from people who might be sick. Boy visiting a hospital and having tests done is a scary place now days. Sitting in an ER is pure terror for me, and I stay far away as possible unless it is a real Emergency. This whole journey started back in September and as usual it gets passed to one Dr and then another. They all have their specialties. 
So all of November mostly I spent going to one office and then another. Seeing that there were few patients in the waiting room each visit. Living in a COVID world they schedule things like that now here. I am grateful, but do not know how they clean those small little exam rooms after each patient. YES INDEED.. I carried my own stuff with me and never took the mask off. I will be doing that until this nightmare is over, if it ever is. 
Thinking that I was so scared to get the FLU and now this is so much worse than that. 
ANYWAY... things have gotten so slowly done because of shortages in staff and the  places being overwhelmed. Michigan, where I live, is really high on the list now for Covid in all the hospitals but people are acting like there is NO COVID and nothing is going on. Boggles my mind. How in the world they can just go on and it's worse than in the beginning. Our governor is not being strict like in the beginning so we all are on our own to fend for ourselves. She did call in the national guard to help in the hospitals though.  Well enough of this.

Here we have had very little snow so far this month. I am still seeing green grass and its strange for November in Michigan. OH I dread the rest of the winter, as it might get a lot worse for us. The family has had a lot of illnesses so far and so our holidays are going to be so different. We are not exchanging  gifts so that takes the burden off of us all. The kids in the family are getting gifts so that's all that really counts. As for me, my gift to myself was a set of three stainless steel tumblers that are great,  and a new  much needed microwave. His hoping you all have a great  healthy holiday season.