Saturday, November 27, 2021


WELL now that is an interesting title. 

Crazy weather and lots of doctor appointments and attempts to stay away
from people who might be sick. Boy visiting a hospital and having tests done is a scary place now days. Sitting in an ER is pure terror for me, and I stay far away as possible unless it is a real Emergency. This whole journey started back in September and as usual it gets passed to one Dr and then another. They all have their specialties. 
So all of November mostly I spent going to one office and then another. Seeing that there were few patients in the waiting room each visit. Living in a COVID world they schedule things like that now here. I am grateful, but do not know how they clean those small little exam rooms after each patient. YES INDEED.. I carried my own stuff with me and never took the mask off. I will be doing that until this nightmare is over, if it ever is. 
Thinking that I was so scared to get the FLU and now this is so much worse than that. 
ANYWAY... things have gotten so slowly done because of shortages in staff and the  places being overwhelmed. Michigan, where I live, is really high on the list now for Covid in all the hospitals but people are acting like there is NO COVID and nothing is going on. Boggles my mind. How in the world they can just go on and it's worse than in the beginning. Our governor is not being strict like in the beginning so we all are on our own to fend for ourselves. She did call in the national guard to help in the hospitals though.  Well enough of this.

Here we have had very little snow so far this month. I am still seeing green grass and its strange for November in Michigan. OH I dread the rest of the winter, as it might get a lot worse for us. The family has had a lot of illnesses so far and so our holidays are going to be so different. We are not exchanging  gifts so that takes the burden off of us all. The kids in the family are getting gifts so that's all that really counts. As for me, my gift to myself was a set of three stainless steel tumblers that are great,  and a new  much needed microwave. His hoping you all have a great  healthy holiday season. 


Katie Isabella said...

How are you now? I am so glad to hear from you! Been too long. I hope you will blog more often.

Seeking Serenity said...

i am living like that also... ((hug))
my medication was failing my liver! i was sooo tired that i laid around too much and caused other things to happen.
yes it seems you are having a warm spell so far, i wish you lived where people took care of the snow for you.
I hope the new things make you happy!! xxoo