Sunday, December 13, 2020




What a year it has been.. I have so many feelings about 2020.
I put angels on this post because we as a country and world have lost so 
many souls this year due to this horrible virus COVID. Angels were
here one minute and days later gone. Families in shock and just 
left empty. I pray that in 2021 we will begin to heal and come back in some way
to a more calm life. I know some will be changed forever. Our service workers and 
medical doctors and nurses have had a very hard year. May 2021 be better for us


Monday, September 28, 2020




What A MONTH.... It seemed at times like it was never going to end. Full of hurricanes and earthquakes, fires, pandemic and upheaval all over the country and world. I was afraid to even see the news on tv each day because it just got worse. Certainly not like any other September I have lived through. Remember those days???  The ones where all you worried over was the winter to come and how bad it might be? Did you get all your leaves raked up etc. Simple days of no worries about the world and its problems. 

I sure miss those days. Will it ever ever get back to those days. My opinion is NO. Things have changed the world is all different now and we will never see those days again. That sounds so negative but it's what I think. We will someday get back to NOT having to wear masks. Might take a year or two. I just don't think that our days of violence in the streets will be over for a long time. The winter weather might stop some of it but it will not go back to the way things were before. 

For me, I am grateful I have not been sick. I got my flu shot and was told it would maybe help but they have no idea how effective it will be this year with Covid around. We are smarter now wearing masks and keeping cleaner.. so maybe FLU will not be as bad. I guess we just wait and see. 

One of my best friends has NOW moved outside the state of California and I am ever so glad. Living in the fire zones was so stressful. Now that it is yearly and not seasonal.. it just was so scary every single day there. One of our tenants moved this month and we will miss him here. He was here 3 years. Sad because he said he did not want to move but HAD to. They increased the rent and he needed to be in a place he could afford. I totally understand where he is coming from. I hope it never happens to me. Moving around as much as I have in my life and then being without a home for 3 years.. well this is home now and I do not want to move again. 

Well must wrap this up.. another month down. Where ever you are I hope you are well and safe. 


Wednesday, August 19, 2020




 YEP things have changed here at Blogger. They have made it more difficult to do a blog. Sad to say there will be a lot of people who will just stop blogging. I am down to once a month so I will stick it out I guess. Time will tell. I sure wonder who makes these decisions to change things that work. 😒 

NOTHING much going on here.. I am staying home a lot more than I used to. No need to risk getting the virus. I know flu season will be worse. When I do go out I get as many supplies I can. At least I know I am prepared as much as I can. August here has been HOT the AC has had very few days off. Sure different from years past. It's been a real challenge to go out in the heat and humidity with a mask on for sure. Mandated by the governor here in Michigan to wear one in the stores etc. I have had a lot of trouble breathing. Just glad I do not live in the southern states. No way I could handle it. 

Relatives are okay so far. Fires in California are making them evacuees. Horrible worries that there will be no home to come back to. I am so grateful that I moved from that state YEARS ago. Saw that people are moving from the state more and more now too. People in big cities do not want to be where there is a lot of rioting and looting etc. Seems the whole country is in upheaval. 

ELECTION time is growing near and so much political arguing going on. I stopped watching a lot. It was giving me such anxiety. I have never had in my old life such a mess going on in the country. 😖😕 Find myself watching old shows that I saw when I was a kid. Much better than what is on now days. Brings back good memories too. Biggest decisions here now are whether to send grade school kids back to classes. I know that older kids can handle things but seeing reports that even high schools that opened were not safe no matter what they did. A neighbor said not letting their grandkids who are kindergarten and preschool age go. It is just not worth them getting sick over. Colleges here opened..students moved in and a week later.. sent home. So if not safe for grown kids.. why risk it for grade school kids?? Parents have big decisions to make. Kids are not learning what they would be in school for sure. They are not sticking to scheduled lessons and lose interest fast. No clue if they will be passed on to the next grade.. have a feeling they will have to take the school year over again. What a big mess it is. 

SO where ever you are.. hope you are staying well and safe. 


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

JULY 2020


So here we are. July.. it came in hot here in Michigan. Many straight days of 90 degrees or more and it continues for the whole month. Summer for sure. We are surely living in a COVID world now. So many rules and regulations and there are more everyday.Good news we can find toilet paper more now after all these months. Antiseptic wipes and masks you can find but in some places the prices are crazy high. So scary when stores are now limiting cash transactions. Some places will not except anything but CARDS. Are they afraid the germs on coins will last? No one has said. They talk about a shortage of coins..hmm what's the real story? Will we ever know?  Now I ask ahead of time before I even purchase if they accept cash. Do they give change or round it off? Crazy!! 😕

I have a feeling it will be a long time before we all are able to get away from wearing MASKS everywhere we go. On a recent trip to our local hospital for tests, I encountered the routine of temperatures and screening before entering inside the building. A sticker was placed on my shirt telling all that I was CLEARED. I felt somewhat okay knowing that for a moment I was OKAY. 😊 I have on several occasions  lately had to tell people they are too close to me, something I never would have thought to do months before. It is hard to deal with such big changes something I hate to do.

Speaking of changes, my niece has a 9 year old going back to school, well that will really be something. The smaller kids, they do not distance or do what older kids do.
So many parents may opt to not send them to school at all. Will that be against some law.. who knows. This whole Covid world has us all in a crazy place. 
Sad to say I heard a lady in a  grocery store talking to her daughter about how she was not buying a lot because she could get sick and die in a week from the virus. Her daughters face said it all. There is a lot of fear out there in the world.  

So five months into this new world of Covid..our lives have sure changed..each month and day that passes there are changes it seems. Let us all hope that in the months to come there is great progress on finding out what cures it and keeps it from coming back. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

JUNE 2020

WHAT to say??  
 Everyday we were bombarded with updates on CORONA virus. The news got worse
and then some better. Many protested about the strict regulations and went against them anyway. Businesses learned that if they tried to get people to wear the masks inside their stores.. there would be backlash. Some died because of it. We were warned that if we did not take precautions to be "safe", the next round of virus would be worse. Some states lifted their regulations earlier than others. CORONA left the news very fast. People were still dying by thousands, and recovering, but corona was not what it was. Then MAY 25th happened. 

 A black man who went into a store, just a routine day..happened to get a phony 20 dollar bill from a machine. Police were called and what transpired was the most horrible thing one could imagine. A young woman filmed it all on her phone. WE as a collective WORLD saw what happened. A man lost his LIFE at the hands of a
policeman and not in a easy shooting way.. a hard long 8 min begging for his life kind of way. Within days the WORLD responded to this death. Everyone now knows his name. GEORGE FLOYD.  So then protesting in such magnitude that the world had never seen before, took place. YES it was global, destruction and death took place. 
Burning, looting and lives and businesses were destroyed. The White House was under attack, so they called in troops and fortified the gates. The president of our country had little to say really. There was NO leadership.. no calm voice to try to get people together. It was very sad indeed. He did photo ops and acted as if nothing much was happening. 

So all this happened in a period of maybe a week or so and then 4 days of funerals for George in many towns. Thousands stood and attended along the way. His poor family endured the loss in the public eye. The protests turned more into peaceful marches and want for change. CHANGE took place. It is June now and change is still taking place. Police are being charged in many cities for undo violent behavior toward black people. On August 28 a million people are expected to walk to the same place where Martin Luther King made his famous speech back in 1963. He had a dream..I do believe that his dream may finally finally take place. May GOD help our country to make the changes happen. It's time has come.