Thursday, October 12, 2017


This year..very little color on the trees..We have been in a drought zone and so they are all yellow, brown and falling off the trees. Such a weird fall. Warm a few days then cool and then COLD..then back warm again.  Crazy. 
Wondering what the winter will be? Guess we will find out soon. I think our hot days are now over for the year.. bring on the winter. 

LILY MARIE is now 5 months old. She can roll over and is almost ready to sit up by herself. So cute to watch. I just love to watch babies grow at this age. How they discover the challenge of walking and talking, it is exciting. I have enjoyed my time seeing and helping her grow. 

Getting ready for fall and winter..heat was finally turned on here after a long wait from the tenants. Stink Bugs and boxelder bugs have invaded the place. Spraying and trying to keep them away, all part of fall around here. Nothing much phases them but SNOW..LOL .Been making over my closet , reorganizing and making room for all the summer stuff, and finding winter clothes etc. Baking more and eating dishes like casseroles means fall really has arrived.

                           ~~~HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A WONDERFUL FALL~~

Thursday, August 31, 2017


I can never remember an AUGUST like this one. In all my years living here in Michigan it was always hot and humid the whole entire month. Something you could count on. Sometimes even in September it would be like that. This year the whole month has been below in hot days and some down right cool ones. There has been little rain here so there is very low humidity. Some trees here have brown leaves and some are trying to turn color so early. Very confusing. Really makes me wonder what our winter will be like. 

What to say?  I just see those reports and think of Katrina all over again. Hopefully our country has learned something from mistakes from the past and it will help in the recovery. Such a tragedy to see so many suffering. A nationwide telethon to raise money is being planned for SEPT 12 on all the major networks. Texas STRONG.. is a good word for it.. they are resilient and will rise up from all this. The nation is behind them all the way.

LOOK WHO IS 4 months old!!  She is not yet sitting up by herself but getting there.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


IT'S SO HARD... . I quit bread.. something I love.. I mean L O V E...WHY?It's not a gluten thing I  just don't need those carbs..I quit sandwiches, I quit cornbread with butter, toast, hamburgers, subs,

OH MYYYyyy it's tough... I mean it. I try to not think about it.. I mean HOT biscuits with butter or honey or gravy.. ACKkkkkk   I heard Oprah say.. I LOVE BREAD.. well I feel her pain. Especially when you don't have it any more. You think maybe I will sneak just a roll or just a slice.. NOooo that leads to my weakness..can't do it. I do have a few slices of bread in the freezer in case someone comes and wants a sandwich but NOPE not eating it. It has helped me for sure to cut this out. 
I avoid places where I can smell it baking.. Subway and that fresh bread smell at the grocery bakery. It's like a real killer... BINGE.. nope I have been happy not to do that.. SO FAR 
They do say though, if you cut one thing out of your diet you will crave something else.. 
Winter will come soon and then it will be 

Friday, June 23, 2017


WELL here it is JUNE already.. it has felt a lot like July. Humid, hot and rain too.
So many days indoors for me since that humidity is NOT my friend. Asthma sucks in the summertime you just cannot do what you want to. I am sure feeling my age and my limits this year more than usual. I have found some days hard to get around with a bum knee that is wreaking havoc with my mobility. Have had others helping me with some chores and thank GOD for canes and carts. One minute it is fine and the other..wham.. can't walk good at all. I try to do what I can while things are good. 

I have new tenants upstairs and AGAIN they work Nights sleep days and well walking around in the nighttime when they come home from work. Ohh... my best friend these days is my earplugs! They work too well according to my Sis who came by early one morning and could not roust me up. I was not expecting her soo I slept away! I told her to let me know next time. HA! A notice we are getting ANOTHER new manager here. WHAT? This will be my 5th one and I have only been here 3 years.What the heck? Does this happen everywhere? Maybe they are not getting paid enough for the job they are trying to take on. I have no idea. 
ANSWERS to inquiring minds who might want to know...
YES I am still living in the same place
YES I am still collecting shells and beach or coastal decor.
YES I am babysitting my niece's cute little girl. Only occasionally though..she will be two months old in July. My how time flies....

YES I still get updates on the old home place..OH MYyyy they did find the lead leeching out of the paint on the house and had to cover it with siding. We suspected that lead...never had money to do anything about it. ..The house was very pretty green and now it is dark gray.To the left is the big pine tree standing still and the HELL HOUSE is now GONE.. vacant land.
So at least it is getting a makeover from the roof to the siding.. it remains standing and that makes us happy. Family of four living there now. They are digging up the sidewalks and completely replacing them now. It has not been done since the 60's!

 Time moves on..sometimes fast and others at a snails pace. I find myself being grateful to be still here enjoying my life. Blessings to you all..