Sunday, February 7, 2016


The month of February is sure going by fast.  The groundhog predicts spring will be here very soon. I saw the winter geese flying the other morning and saw a pair of doves a couple of weeks ago. The ground outside is green and what snow we had is gone for now. I have the door open and the temps will be in the 40's today. I would say that is about all I need to convince me. We may have one more storm coming in the future but it won't be a bad one. This week I made a batch of cookies to give away. I enjoyed making them but flashed back to the good times I had baking them for Mom and how she loved them. Has it truly been 5 years since she passed. SO much has happened since then.
I have to focus on the good things because all those days that she was sick are just too painful. I moved away from that town as soon as I could.  A fresh start sure did help. A change of scenery always improves your life. Sure is strange how the smell and the taste or sound of something can bring your memories flooding back. I miss mom every day but know she is with me all the time. Hope your Valentine's Day is a great one.. 


Friday, January 1, 2016

~~~HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016~~

I have written on this blog site since 2009. A lot of New Year's have passed since then. Some good and some very bad. Last winter was horrible it was so cold and snowy it seemed like it would take forever to get to spring. New Year's day signifies to me the day my dad passed away back in 1994. It also reminds me to be grateful for every year I am here on this old planet. 

 Putting the Christmas things away helps me know it is time to clean up the closets.This past week I have been re-organizing my tiny closet and getting rid of things that I no longer have any use for. I have such limited space now..why keep things you don't use? Makes sense to me..I'll do it again in Spring. Speaking of's only 78 days until official Spring. I think it will come early this year, we can only hope.
Whatever your plans are for 2016, I do hope you have a happy, healthy,successful year. Thanks for visiting and reading my blog.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


It's coming soon. SOON.. Hope you all have your plans set and shopping done. I have been baking with my 4 year old "helper". He had a really fun time and yes the more icing the better. He was really good about NOT eating the cookies after he iced them. I told him that the ELF on the shelf would report back to Santa that he was doing a great job. This is his first Christmas with the ELF and it seems he likes looking for him and being GOOD. Bless the person who thought this idea up it really helps. I had to reflect back when his mother was his age and decorated cookies at this same table. It was a tradition to visit Grandma's house and decorate cookies with her cousin every Christmas.       
Seeing a third generation following along made my heart happy. I know his Grandma in heaven was watching and smiling. In the years to come he will find that making them and giving them away will bring him a great feeling of joy. 

I hope this Christmas, that whatever gives you the greatest JOY and blessings find you and your family.