Sunday, September 9, 2012


I  couldn't  remember what I was doing on September 10th 2001. My blog at MSN spaces wasn't started until 2005. I keep a journal-calendar of daily things that might be important. My journal said I mowed lawn and it was a nice day. I made meatloaf for dinner and the next day mom had an hair appointment. Little did I know, or anyone else for that matter, that life in the U.S.A. would change drastically for us all. I think the whole world changed really. What affected us the next day,changed the way others in the world did things too. It was a bad time. For days we watched them go through all the hours of trying to find survivors, only to find few. The above video is what I watched the morning it happened, as it happened. I found this and wanted to add it here so I can keep it. 


Beth said...

I remember exactly what Jim and I were doing that day. He was mowing the lawn and I was on the computer and the TV was also on. I went outdoors and got Jim. He turned the mower off, came inside and we watched the TV all day. The lawnmower was forgotten and stayed in the yard overnight. We called all of our family members just to reassure us that they were OK. I will never forget that day.


Terry's Tete-a-tete said...

I don't remember what I was doing either, I know I was here alone as we were still working, me nights and Jack days. I do know the tv was on and something caught my attention just as the second plane was going into the other tower and whatever I was doing was left undone for the rest of the day. I just don't think I will ever understand the mentality of killing people because they don't believe as you do.

Joe said...

I was abroad with my family in the Philippines, they put military on the street and we were wondering if we were going to be able to make it out of there. Strong terrorist elements there gave us real reason to be concerned however God brought us home safely...we'll never forget!

MissBeth said...

I think every american will always remember where they were and what they were doing that day, Its a shame we are dealing today with another terrorist attack, not one, but many !!

Anonymous said...

Bless you Sweetie! Talk about pulling at my heart strings. My thoughts go back to that day... to those who went to work that day, only to find their office in flames. For the people who ran into the building, searching for loved ones. For the rescuers who risked, and lost, their lives for those they had never met. For the survivors who still feel the effects of the attacks today. I know I wasn’t there. I know I’ll never fully understand what happened that day. I’ll never quite comprehend the fear, the bravery, the tragedy, the despondency. But I can remember.