Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Well well...sure took me long enough..Catching up here...

The saga of our neighbor ended in April with many attempts from management, sheriff deputies, and local police help. They gave her a week to get out after her dodging the authorities by not answering the door when they attempted to serve papers. It took a long time. She contacted some people in other apartments in the complex to buy furniture and items so she could raise money to move. 

Our manager told us that unknowns to them she had done this many times in other cities and states. She left a whole lot in her place. After she finally left, a warrant was posted on her door for a court date. We never heard if she showed up in court. We were just thrilled she was gone. Three different crews of people were used to redo the entire apt. They found many remnants of cocaine and other drugs. Maintenance had to replace doors, bathroom sink and fix the shower. Carpets blinds and screens. The items left behind alone took several days for men to remove. 

People  do come and go here. The rent was increased recently and her apt sits empty and has for over a month. I think the manager is trying to rent it, but for what rent they want now it doesn't seem worth it. Several units here sit empty and that says something because people are always looking for places especially on the ground floor like this apt is. This complex was built in the 70's and they are not modern like newer buildings. They have been kept up but just are not as great as others. The management has changed hands many times. 

I have to say that since she left, the whole complex feels more calm. Living across the hall from that drama I am so much calmer now for sure.

On a personal note...

I had my yearly visit with several of my doctors and passed all my tests and was so relieved and thankful. I'm blessed at my age to be healthy. We all are having terrible weather this summer. I send prayers to all involved in storms and heat,and flooding. 

Hope this finds you all enjoying time with family and friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy what an ordeal that was! I’m so glad she’s gone. Wonderful news on your checkups, wishing you continued good health. Hope you have a stress free and relaxing summer.