Friday, July 24, 2015


HAD to update here on the progress for our old house. MY my..seems the neighbors that lived around there were pretty sore about looking at it.

  The new owner had really let the place be trashy and unkempt and it needed help badly.They started painting it and the color was well .. not great...It proved to be a real pain to finish the job. When the spring and summer arrived things changed. They picked up the yard and removed the trash and PAINTED THE HOUSE.They hired someone to paint it.. It was a big deal because this old house NEVER had a COLOR before. It's probably 140 years old now and was ALWAYS white. Now it is fresh and clean and looks like this..
There is still plenty to finish up but this latest photo is so very nice to see. I am very happy for the old place to look good again. I love the color and it is such an improvement. AS FOR HELL HOUSE next door.. it is still standing and up for public auction and everyone is wondering if they will get any buyers for it. As a refresher.. Hell House was a home that had three or four apartments and left for the critters to inhabit. It had seen drug dealers and numerous arrests and fights and police visits in its past. The whole neighborhood would rather it be razed to the ground than bought and fixed up. It was gutted after the last tenant left the water connected in the winter and the whole place flooded and then black mold grew inside. It is nasty. Just glad our OLD HOUSE...looks good again.. Mom and Dad surely would approve!

Saturday, July 18, 2015


When in the world did this happen?? I am asking myself.. when did you get to be "that old woman"?

I overheard some gals talking in the store and they were talking about some old woman. I looked around and saw no one there but me. Well darn, when did this happen? I don't feel that old inside. My gray hair and age showing now, I guess it was bound to happen some day but I am not ready.

 I well remember when a young carry out boy at the grocery store called me "Ma'am" the first time. I was crushed. I was in my late twenties.I guess every age has it's limit.  People live to be 90 and 100 now and that to me is old. Some people look their age and some people don't. It might be time to reconsider coloring my hair and changing my wardrobe. It won't change my age but it might help some. I was reminded lately that I was the OLDEST person at a relatives birthday party. What?? Yes, I looked around and I was.. I was the one complaining about the heat outside and what I could eat and what I could not. Typical talk of one who is older than anyone else there. 

Where did the time go? I think about all the years and all my adventures and the wisdom I have acquired along the way I feel pretty good about it. Getting older is going to happen sooner or later to everyone. My time is now I guess. Time to accept it and move on with life. Watch your health, get better in shape, eat right and be happy with each day you rise up and enjoy another day.

                            JUST HAVE FUN BEING THE YOUNG PERSON...

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Well after my last blog rant here, it seemed to have worked. I contacted the manager who contacted the window company. YES... she called and said she lit a "FIRE" under them because I had been waiting so long. {It did not help that I have been through two managers and so I think the ball got dropped and or lost regarding the window.} So Friday he came and it only took him 20 minutes TOP to replace that window. GOOD!!
While he was replacing it I scraped the old duct tape off the other window and cleaned it up. I picked up my cell and called the office about having my air conditioner put in the window ASAP because the weekend was coming up. I sure did not want to put the AC back in and make a mess of it. So the maintenance man came and WHAM in about 45 minutes...
You have no idea how happy I was to finally get it installed correctly. It had been leaking with all the rain we have been having. No more complaining. Wish I could keep it in the window all year round.. NOPE.. not even with a cover. NEW policy.. they all have to be REMOVED in the fall when the heat is turned on.They pay for heat so I am happy to oblige them. So I hope I can take it out myself..if not I will put my name on a list and hope the guy can come back and take it out.Sliding windows sure are a pain. This AC had to be silicone sealed with plexiglass, so it is not an easy removal. Ordeal over with.. FINALLY.. WHEW what a relief.