Saturday, November 15, 2014


Winter came in early November this year. We are grateful it didn't arrive as early as last year. The yard crews came and blew the remaining leaves around while the snowflakes fell. People were moving in and out of apartments here frantic to get done before the next big storm hit.I try to think of where I stored my Thanksgiving things and all my Christmas ornaments I saved.I didn't have as many as I thought I had sooo it's start all over again this year.  I bought a small 2 foot table tree but changed my mind and decided a larger one was needed since my living room space was large. I have made many trips to our local thrift store looking for items for the holidays. I am AMAZED at what people get rid of. I bought two plates to hang on the wall and was surprised that when I looked them up on line they were collectibles and worth way more than what I paid for them even without their certificates.
This one is called Silent Night

This one is called I'll be home for Christmas.

I think I have a moonlight sleigh ride theme going on. They look nice on the wall anyway. I will be checking again there soon. 

Thanksgiving is only days away and still not sure just what I will be doing, baking or making for dinner. Diet dictates strict guidelines but maybe just ONE day will be okay. Who knows I might even bake a pie this year too!


Unknown said...

You really scored on those pretty plates. I need to go to the thrift too for holiday decorations. Dust of snow so far tonight of snow. But it's November right? I hope you get unpacked.

Elaine said...

What a find on those plates! Very pretty Carol. So glad to read all is working out for you, I know it hasn't been easy since your Mom passed.

Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving in your new home.

dellgirl said...

Out of all that you shared so beautifully with us, I am stuck on those gorgeous plates. I am almost certain I have seen those wintry scenes many times before. I love them. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.