Monday, February 11, 2013


Anchors away blog family.. today we are taking that fishing trip
I know I will get some help from you all if I hook one
and can’t reel that sucker in. What fun!!
When we get back Sue will be playing tennis at the courts at
the hotel and we will cheer her on. By dinnertime we all will
have one of those sunset beach side buffets. 
with all we can eat. We have private chefs that will
make it the way we want it!!!
Tomorrow we will sail to BUCK ISLANDon a charter trip
and explore the island has a wonderful protected reef
that is just beautiful. 
I can’t wait!! Smile  Whoever lost these sunglassessee
me because I am keeping them safe until you retrieve them. LOL
We sure had a nice get away from all the cold.. don't know about you but think I will be staying on my beach a little while longer.. Anyone got extra suntan lotion??
Who knows what we can get into tomorrow??


Beth said...

I am ready and already anticipating the fish fry. What fun Sis!


Cindy said...

Those shades are too cool. I've got to find out who lost them and where I can buy a pair for myself.

Leave It To Davis said...

I needed Dramamine...I got sea sick....I'll be laying in the cabana for the next couple of days...

Joe said...

I don't know about the fish but I'm definitely hooked on this trip!