Thursday, November 4, 2010


EVER find yourself in the right place and the right time? Sometimes you wish you were anyplace else..sometimes not. While shopping for supplies at the K store I spied some teens looking at watches and jewelry. Wouldn't have thought anything about it , EXCEPT the clerk was really staring them down. I guess if you work there long enough you tend to be skeptical about things. Anyway, the girl said to the other girl, that watch on sale looked like hers. YES, she had a watch on, I saw it on her. The clerk did NOT. I moved on to see what gloves and such were on sale. All of the sudden a big commotion made me look to their direction. The young girl was in tears and the clerk was talking loudly to them both. I moved some closer and heard the clerk accusing the girl of stealing a watch. Now most times I would STAY OUT OF IT..but this time I decided NO.. the girl DID have a watch on when she was standing there, I saw it.

I stepped over to the counter and told the clerk that I saw the watch on the girls wrist way before she stepped to that side of the counter. I told her I believed that the watch WAS HERS. The manager stepped behind the counter and was told what the clerk suspected. I just stood there waiting to see what would happen next.  Low and behold the clerk saw that this watch the girl had on her wrist had the correct time and that the band looked used and not brand new. Talk about jumping to conclusions. Well if I was a young person and was accused like that, I think I would be very leery of shopping there again. The young girl looked very relieved and thanked me profusely for stepping forward to help her out.  You know what I told her....
PASS IT ON.. when you KNOW something is wrong and you can help another person out.. please pass it on and help someone out. She just smiled and nodded and I went on my way. If there is ANYTHING in this world I HATE is being accused of something I did not do. It just sits wrong with me to the core. Talk about being in the right place and the right time.. it sure was for me today.




Ramblingon said...

That's why I'm so glad you're my Sis. I had an incident 2 days ago where the mailman left an envelope with my mail that he had picked up from a house up the street. I didn't know and it was in my hand back facing me. So I opened it and there was a check for 70 some dollars paying for some yard work. It was addressed to the company but had a Knoxville return address (I do not live in Knoxville) So, rather than take the check of course I put it back in.looked at the face of the envelope..taped the envelope shut and out it in the PO mail box.

I hope if something of mine is accidentally left, someone will be kind to me.

I never ever leave mail to be picked up, no, but he can leave mine at another house. It happens a lot.

Unknown said...

I absolutely hate being accused of something I didn't do and always have.That's why I have such animosity towards the jerk across the street.

I bet that girl never forgets what you did for her.

MissBeth said...

i bet she will indeed pass it on, good for you today !!!

Beth said...

I am so very prous of you! Pass it on is a great motto to live by.

MissDazey said...

I'm sure the young teenager had to have been scared something awful. Glad you were there to help, too many people don't want to get involved. What do you think the girl's Mom did? I'd be storming the store and causing a scene.

Seeking Serenity said...

whew! Good for you!! Being a teen is so difficult.

Lo said...

Very good of you to step in Carol, but it doesn't always work,
I was reading in our paper about a guy that stepped in when he saw some boys picking on another boy and it ended up with the guy being taken to court for telling the boy off
I guess you can't always win, and you were just in the right place right time

Terry's Tete-a-tete said...

So glad for the young girl that you were there. Righting a wrong is always the thing to do when you can.

Unknown said...

So proud of you for stepping in. I'm sure the girl will not forget you.

Words the Windows to the Soul said...

I find this worthy of the word Outstanding. You my friend is what makes one proud to be an American. You saw a wrong and set about making this young girl believe. Indeed pass it forward, "be of good courage that the Almighty may love thee" And you my friend stepped forward; that is called courage and it is my honor to know you......
peace to you