Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I don't know about you, but I had a pretty strict driver's training instructor. He was a retired sheriff deputy. He believed in the ten and two hands on the steering wheel plan. "You will always have control over the wheel when you do this." Okay.. that lasted only as long as the class and the driver's test. I think if both hands are on the wheel then you have it under control.Heck, even one that is in the right spot and tightly holding it can work. I keep my hands mostly at 9 and 3. I see a lot of men with one hand at 12 and the other on the back of the seat or around the gal of his choice. Sometimes the guy rests one hand on the gear shift if the car is not an automatic drive. What about the people who use their cell phones? Those people use one hand and it could be anywhere on the wheel. Do they really have control of the wheel?

Sis drives mostly with her hands at 9 and 5. A friend I know drives with their hands at 7 and 5..having your hands so high on the wheel..does that really matter?
My dad used to drive with his right hand at 3 and his arm out the window, except for wintertime. People who use their speed controls, well they can steer their cars pretty easily with one hand almost anywhere on the steering wheel. So people can drive whatever way they want to, but do they really have control? I always worry about the deer here in Michigan jumping out in front of you. You have no control over what they do, but you need to have control over your vehicle. SO where are
your hands on the wheel?

Well, it was just something I was pondering the other day while watching a guy eat, drive and talk on the phone at the same time. Would I do that? HECK NO...I have driven and eaten at the same time on occasion, but nothng like a meal or
anything. My car is NOT in a no cell phone zone, I do use it in the car, mostly while NOT driving though. Texting costs me a lot so I don't do that sort of thing, but my hands are on the wheel when the car is moving.



Beth said...

9 and 3, that is what I was taught and I never drive one handed, never eat while I am driving and MEVER talk on the cell phone when I am driving. I have seen some weird things people do while they are driving. I have seen hair being combed, makeup applied and even teeth being brushed. One guy was even using a battery powered razor.

Sue Lehman said...

I still use both hands, especially when driving becomes more dangerous (i.e. maneuvering the "hill" or dusk, when the deer come out or in the rain or fog). Even when I relax, I usually have both hands on the wheel, even though they slip down to 7-5 or 9-6. I rarely eat in the car, and almost never talk on the phone while driving. That is HARD...no concentration on the road. I guess I'm past the age of easy multi-tasking. HA!

Ramblingon said...

You absolutely know MY feelings on that topic. It just plain hacks me off to see that row of knuckles...ONE hand, up there at the top of the steering wheel..you KNOW they don't have good control! And believe it or not..get ready for this one..I saw a driver on VA. a man yesterday on the way home with..get this..both hands at the top, wrists crossed over one another! WHAT was THAT!!!

Ramblingon said...

Oh, and I am 9 and 3.