Tuesday, December 13, 2022



So December came in and hit us with inches of snow then a warm up took it back to green lawns and left over leaves. This whole year has been odd with weather like that. It's not so great for getting over illness. I found myself still coughing and feeling weak over whatever the heck I had. Many other people have had it too. There is no real diagnosis from a doctor and supplies for antibiotics and medicines are running low in many stores.

I used the onions a lot. I must say it surprised me how it worked well. I was able to breathe better and sleep better and not cough as much. Probably the cheapest remedy I have ever used besides a few cough drops. Sorry to repeat that Flu and Covid are still around and all sorts of new variants. Poor nurses and doctors are once again overwhelmed as are their facilities. I am still wearing masks when I leave my home, staying away from people close to me and using my wipes. They may not work all the time but at least its something I can do to help keep me well. 

Our apartment complex is having a contest on best decorated door, First place is 50$ off your rent. People are excited about that as rents just keep going up. As for me I have not decided whether to do it or not. Some are going all out and I am afraid what I have might not be what they are looking for, I have some time yet to decide. 

The family has really dwindled down to just a few now and so only the ones that have small children are having big Christmas dinners and presents. I will be home and comfortable and make whatever I want to eat. 

I AM...



Friday, November 18, 2022



November rolled in and we really did have some nice weather.. 74 is NICE! Three days later it was in the 20's with some winter storm warnings. Talk about shock to the systems. It was like we just were not ready. What happened.. well I went and got a winter haircut and did some shopping out of town. I wore a mask.. no one else did. In the several places I went I was guarded to give people plenty of space. Did that work?

NOPE.. I came home and three days later I was testing for COVID. The first test was negative. I was still leery of it because of my symptoms. I saw on TIK TOK that people were using RED and YELLOW onions as a preventative for virus and infections. I am NOT a onion lover never have been. I don't mind cooking with them but NOT using them raw. So the idea of placing them RAW sliced on a plate in a room where I am really was not that great to me.

I sliced the red one up and used two slices on a plate and put it UNDER my bed. YES I DID. I wanted to see what would happen. Onions are rich in L-tryptophan they help you sleep better and I had heard breathe better too. So I tried it. WHAT did I have to lose? I rarely sleep over 3 hours without waking up. FIVE hours later I woke up.. I was shocked. OH my it was surprising. I went back to sleep after a bathroom break and slept more. I got almost 8 hours of sleep. Something I RARELY get. Besides the smell the sleep was wonderful. It lingered for awhile yes.. but I put the onion away. 

There are so many homeopathic things that we are not aware of. Things that in our past that people without any drugs used. I remember my grandmother making syrup with onions and honey. It was for a sore throat. If it worked back then I guess it works now too. So that experiment led me to go to the store and buy more yellow and red onions. RED for sickness and sleep and yellow as a preventative air cleaner and less germs etc. I learned it was worth at least trying to keep me well over the wintertime. There is so much flu and virus going around. With our shots and habits nothing can keep us 100% safe but it's worth tryingThe experiment goes on.

I passed my sleep apnea testing. Dr said no need to come back unless there is a problem. Well that was a relief. I know with my lungs having asthma all my life they are not as strong as they were before I had Covid. The next step is to see a pulmonologist and see what shape they are in. It never ends. As we age things break down and need some tweaking I guess. Well that's the update for me.. hope you all are staying healthy and...


Saturday, October 29, 2022



                        OH it's fall and it came in a hurry.. I think winter is right on it's tail, The leaves were green and no where NEAR falling and then wham! Three nights of cold temps and away we go. Colors are beautiful this year a lot brighter than last years brown all over. We had a mild September. Friends in Florida survived the hurricane and were lucky as others did not. Spent many days and nights sending prayers to those who were suffering there. IAN will not be forgotten for years to come. 

So October started for me with a wet carpet in my closet. The faucet leaking in the shower the cause. It was leaking inside and I didn't notice it until it was out of control. YUCK the smell was terrible. The flooded carpet back in 2013 was dried and not cleaned so it made a mess of things. The task taking EVERYTHING off the floor in there was way harder than when I put it in 9 years ago. Found that I had more than what I needed so the task was to go through things and toss lots out. INDEED, I did just that. Ran out of places to put things in the rest of my small apartment.  After a day or two went by the carpet was cleaned but not what they call DEEP restoration so the company came back and did it over sucking all the water out. I still waited to make sure it was dry in there and started hauling it back. Boy was I glad it was NOT summertime. That heat would have been bad. So that all done I still have a lot to do as I am doing it slowly. Just cannot do what I used to. VERY grateful I did not have to pay for ANYTHING. Oh the joys of apt life. Good out weights the bad for sure.

The young man that moved above me is autistic and speaks to hardly anyone and goes about his days AND NIGHTS.. Oh my when he is not working his schedule he is up to all hours of the night. Goodness. He is quiet mostly and I am grateful for my ear plugs. I managed to get my flu shot and my Covid booster.  The nurse told me that soon they will not be asking to write down on a card when you get your shot. Well just like a flu shot the place you get it has it on file.. it's up to you I guess. 

Halloween is here and the month went fast. We barely had a fall here and our heat  in the building has been on for two weeks already. Time sure flies by. 

I am staying healthy and so glad about that. I managed to get my eyes tested this year and get new glasses my glaucoma is stable. Very happy about that. 

WELL that's all for OCTOBER.. Take care...



Sunday, August 28, 2022



WOW this is the LONGEST period I have EVER went without updating  EVER.........

SORRY it took so long...

 MARCH went out like a lion.. snow and cold and you name it just like the old saying goes. APRIL came in and more cold than warm. The trees are budding like crazy and the birds are seeking nesting areas they don't care. It is SPRING. This morning thunder and lightning almost knocked me out of bed. I sure was not expecting it. After a whole winter without that noise...well it was extra loud. Get ready for allergies and bugs..oh SPRING we have waited. So April left and it was still cool and sometimes down right COLD. YES I said cold. They cut off the boiler heat on the 18th and wouldn't you know...40's and lower every single night. Seems always like that in spring here in the mitten state.

 MAY I stopped writing in April and took it back up the END OF MAY.. where did it go? It seems so quick. Turned on my AC to see if it was still running. Well, it is but how long I have no idea. It's been all over in different places and it's 10 years old!! A friend came to visit that I see once a year and we went shopping and I got another AC just in case.


Had Dr, checkup appts scheduled  in the spring so that I did not have to go out in the wintertime. Having no car sure makes it hard to do things. Things are good and holding my own. Good to know.. WHAM two weeks later.. the old AFIB was back. I sure was shocked. I had had an EKG and things were great. Just goes to show you. It had been a LONG time since that had popped up. NO reasoning behind it. I hadn't done anything to cause it really. Good friend MO from blogging days had a bad heart spell and it was not expected either. I learned later that she was okay, went on and GOT MARRIED.. so happy for her. 


Afib only lasted about 2 days this time and almost 2 years to the day from the last time it arrived. I was sure surprised and did not have to go to ER this time as the heart rates were not really high.

 The boys in the apt above me are preparing to move soon. They were being trained for Consumers Power as LINEMEN. Talk about in shape! Well they were able to complete their training and moved out before the end of the month. Nice and quiet for me. We had big DOG trauma in the complex when a woman in our building refused to follow the rules and her big Rotwiller/Pit nearly chomped on TWO other dogs in the complex. She could hardly control it when she walked it. Come to find out the dog was NOT HERS and she was taking care of it. Office told us that it was NOT ALLOWED here but she continued. She was given a warningto move if she did not CEASE that and then she decided to take it elsewhere to take care of it. She had the whole place in an uproar. She is still not popular in this place to date. Hot and humid summer, hard for me to manage it but I did get out as much as I could stand. Wearing masks really hinder me but I will not take the chances everyone else takes. Kids are gathering supplies and getting ready for school to start next month early. WHERE did the summer go? It seemed to feel shorter than years past. 


WELL our apt neighbors finally moved in a rush and the days of POT smelling are over for now. We rejoiced about that they had the whole building of 8 apts smelling terrible. In the winter they smoked it inside their vehicle in the parking lot. Summer not so. Hard to believe that one thing can disrupt the whole building like that. There was something in the lease about it but the LAWS have changed and they had not updated the lease. Hope they do next year. School started and first day of Kindergarten for my nieces girl was not trauma at all. SHE LOVED It. So happy she did and is excited about school Seems just awhile ago she was a baby. My how time flies by. 

The new tenant moved in above me and works nights I have been told. I feel for him as I did that in the 80's for five years. It really took a toll on me. Did not know it until it was over and I was back to a normal schedule. He works for a POT plant that is near us here. I sure hope he doesn't SMOKE IT...ohhh what are the odds of this??? Our August has been the most beautiful I can remember. AC barely used and some nights have been in the 50's. RARE for August for sure. Most of our leaves are still green and it has been a weird few months here weather wise. We have been very lucky.  Getting my check up for my Glaucoma soon I sure hope things are holding good there. WISH ME LUCK..


Saturday, March 19, 2022



YES indeed it was a very mild entry into March this year,
 70 degrees and the only snow seen was in piles in parking lots water 
running from them. Rains followed and birds are active and trees are trying to bud
out. Sure hope we don't get another 6 inches of snow! ⛄

 Around here I found a small water leak in under my carpet in my entryway. WHAT!?? I would not have known it was there if not been barefoot. Had two people look at it from maintenance and they shake their heads because this job is too big for them. I fear tearing up carpet and flooring will be the way to fix it. It has been almost a WEEK..many calls to the office.. They are making an appointment with a plumber is all I can hear. Meanwhile I am using towels and trying to keep the water from seeping any farther into my living room. If it was a big leak..well they would have had to get right to it. 😒💲
It's official I am a hoarder.. (oh..not that kind.).I am hoarding non perishable food items. I noticed the prices going up so fast about a month ago so every time I see something I can keep for a year or two I buy it. Oh in this tiny apt it's really a task to find places, but I am managing. This week I saw a head of lettuce for 3$😱😮 too bad I can't keep that for more than a week. I shop the sales a lot and changed my eating habits. Did you know that CAMPBELL soups are pretty tasty?I hadn't bought any in years but I found the CHUNKY ones to be really good after I rinse some of it off. Salt is really sky high in those but when they go on sale.. I buy especially the ones with more protein.

WELL I am aware of the tragedy in Ukraine and how the war is so bad. I try not to get upset over it. I limit my news intake as much as I can. Seeing babies and small kids being killed and displaced just is too much. I pray they will get as much help as they need to hold off Putin's army and end this. 🙏🙏🙏