Tuesday, June 16, 2015


                     To all those Fathers out there in blogland.. this is for you...


Wednesday, June 3, 2015


If you follow me on Facebook you might know what happened with the flooding situation. I posted some things on there and then deleted them. I was reminded by a friend of mine that it might seem I was COMPLAINING too much and should be putting that someplace else. I was shocked at the statement but then started to think what others might think also so I deleted it all. 
The guy carried most everything off the floor of my closet..only a small portion of the floor was wet.

YES, the owner of the apt. building did pay expenses for the 3 day clean up. It was not a clean up for certain it was a DRY OUT. The machines ran in my apt for 3 days and nights BLOWING air and sucking out the humidity. When the man came back on Monday morning I was more than ready to see him. I confronted him by telling him he LIED to me. He lied saying it would be warm in that room. It was 100 degrees for three days. There was NO staying in the bathroom or the bedroom at all! GET IN and GET OUT. The noise was like jet engines..you could not hear yourself think. Thank GOD I could close the door and block some of it out. I can only imagine what the guy upstairs thought. HEAT rises and I am sure his apt was HOT up there too. 
The hose drains all the moisture out so the sink was totally unusable.

 So I decided since these machines were totally doing their job I would shower in there at least once ANYWAY.. it so happened that it was over 80 in the rest of the place and humid outside. MISERABLE. My asthma went nuts. The spray they put on to kill any germs was pretty powerful because of the heat in there. Neighbors told me they would have left. I had no place to run to so I had to stay. I was very grateful the whole thing was not worse. Could have been SEWER water but it was not. Clear warm water with a little soap in it. 

NO they did not clean my carpets.. all they did was dry it out. I did vacuum in there after it was over with. That caused dust and dirt to blow up again and so allergies went crazy  and have not stopped since. Time for MEDS.. 
I highly recommend using the plastic tubs in a closet..it saved me a lot. Easy to move and free from any moisture.Now I am waiting for the electric bill for 4 large machines running for three days and nights on my bill. It did not seem like the district manager was too thrilled to pay anything on that bill. We will see when I get it. 

I did put my AC in the window MYSELF..with good ole duct tape and some prayers. It works and maybe SOMEDAY I will get a new window..it's only been six weeks so far. Maintenance man here said he would put the AC back in when they replace the window. He chuckled when he saw ALL that tape on the window. I told him I had to have some way to hold it in there. I used NO screws etc. Scary ..you might say that. GOD is good .. the weather cooled off a lot so I have not needed it lately. Isn't that the way it goes? Taking it one day at a time now..

P. S.  Got another message yesterday.. Another new manager for us here, this one has 20 years experience. I sure hope it works out. She is the 4th manager in less than a year.