Monday, December 29, 2014


I sit here and think of all the things that have happened in 2014 and just shake my head in disbelief. 

JANUARY we had the coldest POLAR VORTEX  winter we have ever had. It was brutal. I shoveled so much snow I just got so sick of it. Heavy, wet and cold all winter  long. I seemed to never catch up and never get warm enough. Glad it ended.
I ended up in an ambulance, for the first time in my life in late Jan., headed to the ER with my head so dizzy I could not stand up. I stayed 24 hours in the hospital and they found I had 
"Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 
Sounds bad but it just is plain VERTIGO. I was remarkably healthy otherwise. I had many comments on how amazing my blood tests were.

FEBRUARY and MARCH  Came in with more health problems for family members and a loss of a child that we all were shocked over. I had my eyes tested and the Dr. told me I had Glaucoma..which later in the year was found to NOT BE TRUE. I was so relieved. 
APRIL  We still were having SNOW here in Michigan.. it just would not STOP Easter came and it was cold one day and warm the next. Mother nature just could not decide. 
MAY  Came in with another illness only this time my sister had kidney problems. They went from bad to worse and in 
JUNE  She landed in the hospital in another town for 10 days and one in ICU nearly dying. Very scary times and she still is using the drugs and has improved a lot, but is not stable yet.
JULY while Sis was ill, I received a call I had been waiting a long time for. A new apartment was available. I spent most of the month moving from one place to another in the heat of the summer.                                   

I have been busy adjusting to my new place to live and gathering furnishings and celebrating the fall and winter here in a new town. Riding the bus to town, meeting neighbors, learning how to gather supplies and find places for all the stuff I have in such small surroundings. I purchased in December a painting that I thought was something I could look at for a long time. I love the waves and the ocean and always have. It will never be far from me.  So much happened this year with friends and family, I pray every day and night that several will be cured completely and permanently. I hope 2015 brings us all good health and happiness. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014


SO December rolled in and NO SNOW, we have green grass and warm temps and it seems more like November weather. I like it one way and not in another. Reminds me of my winters in California. If we had some frosty mornings there it is all we could ask for.  Will it snow by Christmas, who knows. We just wait and see. In my new apartment it is really different because it is warm inside. Luckily, heat is free here so I am enjoying a nice break this year. 

 I went on a search in many places for a 4 foot tree with NO LIGHTS. I had no luck.
I am still looking for it. Seems all the ones they have already have lights and cost way more than I want to pay. Whatever happened to simple. Well I bought a smaller one and I guess it will do for this year. I got rid of so many of our old things that I have not much left so am starting a new collection. I can't wait until after Christmas ornament sales. Know I will get some real gems. I went on a search through so many boxes looking for the stockings that my mother knitted back in the 60's. She took to knitting really easy I was told by the neighbor lady who taught her. I sure am glad that I found them.   These two were used just as decorations. 
One was really large, I don't remember why she made it that big but it sure has held up well all these years. The lady who taught mom made all us kids our own stockings and boy did we use them too. 
Starting my baking late this year, not sure what kind of cookies I will be making but I will be making them. Hope the neighbors help me eat them.  ;-)