Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Well well...sure took me long enough..Catching up here...

The saga of our neighbor ended in April with many attempts from management, sheriff deputies, and local police help. They gave her a week to get out after her dodging the authorities by not answering the door when they attempted to serve papers. It took a long time. She contacted some people in other apartments in the complex to buy furniture and items so she could raise money to move. 

Our manager told us that unknowns to them she had done this many times in other cities and states. She left a whole lot in her place. After she finally left, a warrant was posted on her door for a court date. We never heard if she showed up in court. We were just thrilled she was gone. Three different crews of people were used to redo the entire apt. They found many remnants of cocaine and other drugs. Maintenance had to replace doors, bathroom sink and fix the shower. Carpets blinds and screens. The items left behind alone took several days for men to remove. 

People  do come and go here. The rent was increased recently and her apt sits empty and has for over a month. I think the manager is trying to rent it, but for what rent they want now it doesn't seem worth it. Several units here sit empty and that says something because people are always looking for places especially on the ground floor like this apt is. This complex was built in the 70's and they are not modern like newer buildings. They have been kept up but just are not as great as others. The management has changed hands many times. 

I have to say that since she left, the whole complex feels more calm. Living across the hall from that drama I am so much calmer now for sure.

On a personal note...

I had my yearly visit with several of my doctors and passed all my tests and was so relieved and thankful. I'm blessed at my age to be healthy. We all are having terrible weather this summer. I send prayers to all involved in storms and heat,and flooding. 

Hope this finds you all enjoying time with family and friends.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

MARCH 2024



So where have I been...did I drop off the planet?? No..but for the past 6  months been living in a nightmare.  

A lady moved in the apartment across from me she was not a young woman she was a grandmother of 3. She was fine, everything was okay until...she brought a very big Rottweiler dog into her place. She could hardly control it when she would take it outside. She did not have permission to have the dog and continued to have it until it tried to bite several tenants. She finally got rid of the dog and gave it to her daughter and her family after warnings from our manager. 

We thought things would be better but no such luck.( Reminded me of HELL HOUSE years ago. She was smoking pot and drinking like crazy and most times just making others here miserable.) 

So she continued to break so many rules of her lease that she was given many warnings. She decided that she would take in several feral cats that roamed around and feed them. AGAIN against all the lease rules. She wandered around the complex of three buildings looking and calling them. Got into almost a fist fight with a elderly tenant lady in another building and the cops were called. It turned into a report for the sheriff dept because we are outside the city a whole BLOCK. Because there was no physical contact to the other tenant.. no charges were filed. She called the local dial a ride bus and had them take her to Applebee's to eat and drink. She would get so drunk she barely made it outside when she called for a return home. I was present many times to see her causing trouble and being refused a ride because of her condition.

OH it continues.. The cats  had never  been a problem here in the past they never came around. Now they were on everyone's patio and trying to get inside if anyone left a door open. I am allergic to them and they used my patio as a bathroom and all my patio furniture as their beds. I had to spray to keep them away and even that did not help. I was unable to use my patio and sit out there the entire summer months. Talk about complaining to the management. They acted like there was NOTHING they could do so we had to put up with it. The rules of our leases have been changed now regarding feeding strays, keeping animals and drugs because of her actions. 

EMT's were called at least 4 or 5 times because she was drunk and fallen and once told them she had a seizure. She was admitted for a week to a psych ward in the hospital. She returned home and found that she had left the feral cats inside her place when they took her out. Sooo her apt was trashed by the cats with no food or water. WE did not know they were inside until we saw them crawling up the screen windows and tearing up the blinds. Maintenance was called and they opened the doors and let them out. The smell and the damage had been done. She came home to one big mess. She had some rugs in the bathroom and took them to the laundry and tore up the machine with the mess that was left on them. She was drunk and put nickels in the slot for the dryer instead of quarters. IT went on and on. Most people would think that was sure interesting or exciting  but it gets worse.... COME BACK FOR 





Sunday, November 26, 2023


       Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

It was a quiet one for me. Not many gatherings for me anymore. I am very thankful for my friends and family who are there for me. I cook what I want for myself and am happy not to have a whole lot of leftovers. 

I found a great little recipe this year for pumpkin pie in a cup! You make it in the microwave!  It's just enough to satisfy your taste for pie. 


 It was delicious with cookies in the bottom of the cup or not. 

It's snowing here today, as I enter this blog. Winter has finally shown up. I am hunting my scarves and hats. 🤔 Hunting because I forgot exactly where they are. Guess no going out until I find them 😉😁


Friday, October 13, 2023


 Cold and rainy,the leaves in our part of the state are just barely changing. It seems like our September was so warm it went too quickly. Not a big fan of 80 and then 40 but we have that too. Just a weird year I guess. Have not seen any woolly worms this year but I heard we will have a milder winter in Michigan. Storms that dump snow and then go and melt away.

So much for the weather.  Don't know about you,but I hate to even turn on the tv in the mornings now. The news with wars and shootings and our government debacle is depressing. I am watching more old shows and movies than ever. In the fifties and sixties shows were great and very entertaining. I actually find myself laughing out loud. 😀

Had trouble here with our water and boiler. We had no heat and it down in the 30's at night. Everyone complaining. Then we had no water for 24 hours and maintenance didn't answer the emergency number. Glad it wasn't life threatening we would have had to call the fire department. I've had three flooded floors in less than 10 yrs! I went out and bought a small wet vacuum. Can't wait on maintenance, they are proven not that fast or reliable. Learned to have plan B back up just in case!😉 

Hope you have a 


Tuesday, August 15, 2023


 It's 2023!  AUGUST to be precise! 😮😮

Shocking to me I lost the password and had a heck of a time trying to get back here. A  new computer with no memory of my work and passwords..did not help.😕 I could not find where I saved some drafts. Very frustrating.😕

How does a person make up for 8 months lost? I guess maybe the highlights might work. Since this is mainly for myself, as I get no viewers I will just skip some things.

I've had some symptoms from the Covid I had and trying to get back to my old self. Many check ups with Dr's and tests say its a long road and could be awhile. I am glad it is not severe as some people have, but bad enough to set me back a lot. I am weaker, and breathing is harder. My immune system is weak and I wear a mask still when going outside. Don't really care what others are doing. Covid strains are still here and flu season is upon us and I will do what I must to carry on.

We lost family members this past 8 months. Neither was a shock, but a big loss to us. A dear dear  close friend lost her husband of over 40 yrs. Trying to cope and encouraging her is hard from a distance but we keep in touch as much as we can. My glaucoma is better with eye drops. Very relieved to have 20/20 vision with glasses still. I am downsizing my apt now to relieve any clutter and give myself a simpler way of living. Such items I do not miss at all. I find it was time to do it. It really helps in finding things easier also. 

I wrote the password in three places this time..hoping to get back here easier in the future.